"So what?"


I growled in frustration. He could be so confusing. "Kace."

"That's Kace Super Swagged Out Awesome Pants to you."

I smiled a bit. "So..KSSOAP?"

He smiled, eyes still closed as I played in his hair. "Exactly."

I shook my head. This conversation was going nowhere.

Two hours, a pillow fight, and an awkward midnight snack later, I found myself back at Liam's place. It was so hard to call it home. When I walked through the door, Liam flew up from his seat on the couch in the living room.

"Mackenzie, it's one in the freaking morning!" He embraced me. "Are you okay?"

His chest was smothering me. "Cant..breathe."

He released me, apology clear in his eyes. "I was so worried."

I smiled a little. "You shouldn't have been. I hung out with Kat and then I went over to Kace's house. I was fine, I promise."

He still looked a little worried..and a little pissed. "You couldn't have called home just to let me know you were okay?"

Since when did we become a married couple?

"Really Kenz?"

Damn. Had I said that out loud?

He shook his head. "Unbelievable. I'm going to bed,"

I couldn't leave it like that. "Wait."

He stopped and turned to face me. "What?"

I closed the distance between us and smashed my lips onto his. He reacted almost immediately. I wrapped my legs around his waist and next thing I knew, we were going up the stairs and into his room.

I knew it was a stupid decision, but I felt like maybe if I experienced that physical connection with Liam that I had with Lance it would help me clear up my head and decide who I wanted. After all, I had to look at all the angles.

The next morning, I found myself in Liam's bed. He had his arm over me and I was curled into his chest. I rolled over to stare at him except he was already awake. He smiled at me.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty," he greeted me.

I smiled back at him. "Sup Prince Charming?"

I know I said that maybe doing "it" would help me make up my mind but it just confused me more. It felt better with Liam but that was probably because it wasn't my first time.

"Are we going to school today?" He asked me, kissing up my arm.

I giggled a bit and tried to pull away. "Yeah."

He held me in place, bringing his kisses up my neck. "You sure?"

I stifled a giggle. "Positive."

After some more coaxing, we rode to school together in Liam's car. As we got out, Liam interlaced our fingers. I smiled up at him before meeting the eyes of a very hurt looking Lance across the parking lot.

He watched us before opening his car door, getting in, and speeding off.

That alone was enough to knock me off my high. The pep in my step was no longer peppy.

In the hall, I spoke briefly to Kat, much to Liam's dismay. He went so far as to storm off.

"What's up with him?" I asked more to myself than to anyone.

Kat shrugged but I noticed she had gone quiet and was staring down.


"It's nothing Kenzie."

I knew that if I pushed it, she would lash out at me again, so I dropped it.

I didn't see Liam again until lunch. When I got to the table, He, Clark, and Tracy were sitting down. Shortly after I took my seat next to him, Riley and Macey showed up together, smiling and holding hands. Out in the open?

When they explained that they had gotten together officially today after she dumped Kace, I felt happy for them but couldn't help but feel depressed for Kace. "So you told Kace?" I asked Macey.

The whole table grew silent. "Told him what?"

"You told him that you two had been messing around, right?"

Macey's eyes stayed trained emotionlessly on me and the whole table stayed uncharacteristically silent.

"You what?"

Oh God. I turned around to meet the eyes of Kace. He was staring at Macey as if she disgusted him.

She opened her mouth but no words came out.

Kace looked furious and hurt. "And you!" His eyes turned to me. "You of all people knew and didn't tell me?"

"Kace," I sighed.

"How long?" His eyes were back on Macey but it was Riley who answered.

"The whole time."

Kace nodded. "And how long did you know Mackenzie?"

I breathed out deeply. "A couple of weeks."

He nodded again before storming out of the cafeteria. There was a loud noise in the hallway so I assume he punched a locker.

There I go again screwing things up.


I looked up to meet the flaming eyes of Macey. "Mace, I'm so-"

"You bitch!" She shouted, attracting attention from half the cafeteria.

"Macey," I tried quieting her.

Her eyes were angry. "Who told you?"


"Who told you?!" She slammed her hand down on the table.

Riley spoke up. "I did. I thought I could trust her."

"Hey guys, come on. It was a mistake." Liam spoke up for me, trying to defuse the situation.

Macey stared at me though, a small cynical smile creeping up onto her face. "You want to out people's secrets, nerd?"

"Macey," I whispered. "It was a mistake."

"So was this. Hey Liam. Guess who's been sleeping with Lance? I saw them making out in the park yesterday but it's been going on long before that."

Everyone went completely silent, even about half of the cafeteria.

"Ooops," Macey said emotionlessly.

I looked over at Liam who hadn't spoken a word since the big announcement. "Liam.."

"Shut up," he whispered.

I tried again. "Liam, please."

"Shut up!"

My mouth snapped shut.

"You made out with him and then had sex with me last night?"

The whole table stared incredulously at me. I felt my cheeks heat up. "I'm sorry."


He didn't even look at me. "What?"

"Go. Get the hell away from this table! I don't want to see your face. Just go!"

Abruptly, I stood. The whole cafeteria watched my walk of shame.

How much more could I have effed this up?

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