Chapter One - Kidnapped

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I opened my eyes and I tried to get familiar with the room I was in, it was pitched dark. No issues seemed to be possible, I touched my jeans to realise I didn't have my cellphone on me. I wish I remembered something, the last thing that crossed my mind was me getting hit on the head and then blacking out. I heard voices down what seemed to be a hall.

''Are you stupid? Why you brought that girl here? Do you want to get us in trouble? '' A boy whispered, he seemed,by the tone of his voice, really angry.

'' I don't know, geez calm down Louis!'' The man who seemed to be my kidnapper whispered a little loudly.

''What will happen when Liam will know? What will fucking happen? You didn't think about that, did you!'' The man named Louis sighed and continued ''We have no choice but to keep her, she'd ruin our career.''

Their career? What career are they talking about? The names that were named earlier, seemed familiar though... Louis and Liam, I could swear that I heard those names somewhere. My stomach became noisy, I'm getting hungry here. Why nobody is explaining to me what's happening? I've been kidnapped for christ sakes! I should at least get an explanation as soon as I start the open my mouth to scream, the door opened up and the light flickered on. I saw a man coming in, probably 20 maybe older. He had brown light hair put up in a quiff, he was wearing a pair of joggings and a top. He weakly smiled at me.

''What's your name love?'' the boy asked in a calm voice. I think that he was that Louis guy that was talking earlier.

''Lily, my name is Lily'' I whispered, shrugging his hand off my shoulders.

''Nice to meet you, I'm Louis. You can call me Lou. I'm sorry, my friend kidnapped you but we have to keep you here.'' Keep me here? Why? No, I want to go home. Cuddle up with my cat and spend my days listening to music and scrolling my Tumblr dash. I didn't want to be stuck with some weird good looking guy forever. I had a life, at least I thought I had one. I guess it was all gone now, I started to tear up and tears were now falling from my eyes. Louis seemed incomfortable and shot me a sympathic look before another boy entered the room. He had blond hair, big blue eyes and an irish accent.

''Boobear! Why is she crying?'' He furrowed his eyebrows and then added ''wait, who is she?'' Before Louis could answer a tall boy, maybe nineteen entered the room and stood in front of me. He looked georgous, in any other situation I would have swoon over him. He had green eyes and brown curly hair that was thrown back.

He smirked looked down at me and said : ''Hi. I'm Harry Styles and I am your kidnapper.''

This is just a startso this why it's a little short! I know they're is stories quite similar but I'm going to make this one a lot different. I promise! Anyway, I'd like to have 5 votes. Just to know if I should continue! xx

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