•Chapter 10•

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Liam's POV

Today I have to do some errands with Lou since he's the only mature person I can take. Since it's a bit chilly in London, I take my black jacket, my brown scarf, blue jeans and my boots and leave the house quietly since it's only nine in the morning. I wait for Louis and Harry outside in the cold. Louis drives up to my driveway and Harry runs out of the car and into the house to be Carly's babysitter. I shake my head and laugh as I enter the car and greet Louis. Louis pulls out of the driveway and we drive to the city. Louis has mittens on, a black and red scarf, a black coat and a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about now?" I ask him while trying to warm up my hands by rubbing them together.

"Oh nothing... Except that I saw my best friend in the newspaper and all over the news!" He gushed while slapping my shoulder with one hand.

"Really?!?" I ask him with doubt.

"Yeah! I went to get Harry some coffee in a gas station and there you were... Front page!" He says as he stops at a red light. "Liam! You've finally made it! I'm so proud of you big guy!" He praises me and takes a turn into the shopping center so that I can make some purchases.

We get the car parked and we walk out side by side. "I can't believe that they want to put me on the front of a magazine! Me! A small town, single dad that doesn't have a stable job." I chuckle as I smile at people as they look at me since I am telling in question in a mall at nine in the morning.

We walk into the grocery store and I get a cart for the stuff that I'm going to buy. We walk towards the cereal section and I slowly walk to make sure I get the correct cereal for Carly since she doesn't eat any other ones.

"If you look on the bright side... If big companies see you, they'll want to sponsor you for their supplies. Maybe Nike or Adidas will call you up and offer you an deal that you can't deny." He says while jumping up and down.

I laugh and notice that the cereal isn't on the shelves. "Damn it! Coco Puffs aren't here. Carly's gonna flip." I say to Louis and he grabs my shoulder so I'm looking at him.

"Maybe they'll give you a deal that will give you an endless supply of Coco Puffs, huh?" He says with a smile on his face since he knows he got me there.

I nod and walk away from the shelves. "Maybe."

We walk into the sugar isle and make sure to get enough sugar to last the end of the year. I don't need a lot since it's already December. I get some bags and Louis gets some flour. We're all going to go to my house during Christmas and bake cookies and other delicious treats. Louis smiles at me and takes the cart to the next destination which is the medicine. Carly is starting to have sore throat every morning since two days ago and now that I'm a single dad, it's start to worry me tremendously since I don't have doctor insurance. I walk and see many medicines and their different cures and I'm clueless on all of them. Louis looks at all of them and grazes them with the back of his hand.

"What are you looking for?" Lou asks me with a confused look.

"Ummm.....something for sore throats and it has to be a good flavor for Carly and her taste buds." I state as I see him walk to the section for sore throats.

Louis walk over to a section of throat pains and hands me a carton of medicine with bubblegum flavor. I look at him and inspect it in my hands.

Louis rolls his eyes at me and snorts. "Mate. It's safe and it will probably favor Carly's love for gum and everything pink." He says as he takes it out of my hand and tosses it in the cart with all the rest of the stuff.

We finally finish and we pay for the stuff. Louis helps me out the bags of groceries into the trunk of his car. We get back in the road and I get a call from Harry so I immediately answer it. "Hey Hazza." I greet him but I hear crying in the background and my heart drops to the pit of my stomach since I'm too familiar to that cry.

"Liam... It's Carly. She has pain in her throat and she keeps saying your name. Please tell me that you're on the way.... Please!!!" He begs me and I look at Louis as he nods while speeding up.

"Hey! Calm down Harry! She's just Carly alright. We're on our way. Just give her a movie she loves and give her tea with syrup and lemon and we'll be right there." I try to calm him down as Louis takes a familiar turn down a street that I know too well. He stops the car ad I run into the house with Louis behind me concerned as well with the medicine in his hands.

I burst through the door and see Carly in Harry's arms with both of them having tears in their eyes with concern. Carly sees me and let's go if Harry and enters my embrace. Louis goes to the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of water and a spoon for he medicine. I let go of Carly and give her two spoonfuls of it and make her drink cold water.

She sighs in my arms as Louis takes Harry in his to calm his nerves. Louis kisses Harry's forehead and rubs his hair. They say their goodbyes and walk out of the door but not before bringing in the groceries. My heart thumps in my chest and I sigh as I feel Carly hug me tighter.

"Let's get you to bed, shall we?"

•Fighting For Two• {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें