•Chapter 1•

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Liam's POV

I wake up and rub my eyes and scratch my beard on my jaw. I wiggle my way out of my daughter's grip on my bicep. I hear her whimper and I turn to see her brown hair all around her face. I slowly push her hair out of her face and her big brown eyes show me that she's awake. I lean down to kiss her forehead and unwrap myself from the sheets. I get up and put on my shirt from last night and pad my way to the little worn down kitchen.

I get the pancake mix and turn in the oven. I always make my baby girl her favorite kind of pancakes and she loves them but not as much as she loves me. I make sure that I don't get side tracked by all the things that happened about five years ago. I first lost my job and it was hectic without me bringing something to keep us alive. Then I lost my house after so many months trying to pay for it and saving up. Then I lost her. Sophia. The love of my life. She was the woman who gave me my little bundle of joy and sunshine. She passed away after giving birth to her. The last words were, "Take care of her and give her your heart like you gave me yours." I have always kept those words in my mind as I look at her face resembling hers a bit. Carly. She was the one and only thing to keep me sane and healthy. I always knew someone would be here with me. She's amazing at keeping me happy and takes my stress off my shoulders.

I start to smell slightly burnt pancakes and I quickly flip them to the side. I hear a giggle from the island table. A smile creeps on my face as I turn to see Carly's face in pure joy and a bit of sleep. Her hair is all over the place and she looks at me with love.

"Sorry love. I got side tracked." I apologize to her and she smiles at me and it goes away into seriousness.

"Were you thinking about mommy?" She asks me and I feel sadness come upon my face.

"Yeah. Everyday. Every morning while making food actually so please be gentle to daddy's feelings alright?" I ask her and she nods and gives me a thumbs up. I chuckle and serve her the pancake while I get ready to find a new job. Sadly I only have a couple of friends while being in crappy rainy London.

Their names were Niall, Louis and Harry. I met Louis and Harry when I bumped into them. I love them since they are both married and love children enough to take care of Carly while I'm gone for free. Niall is literally my wingman for jobs since he has an Irish accent which they love since it isn't common here. I put on a shirt and a jacket on while I wear boots and dark blue jeans to look sophisticated. I quickly get my phone and wait for Louis and Harry to arrive.

After a couple of minutes, Harry barges through the door with a quiet Louis behind him and closes the door for him. 

"Carly! Baby! How are you?" Harry makes small talk with Carly and distracts her for a bit.

"Hey Lou. Hey Harry." I bro hug Louis and wave to Harry since he isn't a people person.

"Oi. You should go and hurry if you need to find a J-O-B alright." Louis spells out since Carly can't.

"Daddy? What's a gob?" She asks and Harry giggles.

"Umm... It's a toy! Yeah... Uhhh... It's really expensive and I need the money to buy it alright. Sweetie be good to uncles Harry and Louis. Be right back before you know it!" I yell out the door and I run towards the café to meet Niall since he said he has good news for me towards a job that pays well. I run towards the café and notice blonde hair from the distance and I sigh in relief.

"It's about time you came. Thought you forgot about me. How ye' been?" Niall asks in his thick Irish accent.

"Could be better." I tell him as he shows me job applications right off the bat.

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