•Chapter 7•

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Liam's POV

Today it was just me and my opponent. I was going to earn the first thousands of dollars reward for beating up Zayn. Zayn Malik was one of the most outrageous boxer out there. There is no mercy for anyone who fights him but I'm going to change that. I made sure that Perrie knew that this was for money and not for fun. She'll think that I'm a horrible man to punch someone and go home and hug his little girl with someone's blood on my hands. She knows that I have to do this for Carly and I's future.

I carefully and quietly get ready for my tournament. Perrie begged and begged me to let her come with me to my first fight. She wanted to see me mess that guy's face which I didn't mind so I let her.

Right now I'm waiting for Perrie to come around to pick me up in her car. I let Harry and Lou take Carly for the day since I can't take her with me and it's boring at home. I walk out my house and lock the door and see Perrie in her car waiting with a smile.

I speed walk to the car and put in my sunglasses. I put my sports bag in the back trunk. I get into the passenger seat.

She smiles at me. "Are you ready to win?" She asks me and I nod.

"Ready than I'll ever be." I say and she nods and pulls out of my house and onto the street. Ten minutes later, we arrive at the boxing club. We get out of the car and I grab my equipment from the trunk. Perrie walks close to me and she holds my arm.

"Liam.... This looks dangerous. Are you deeply sure you wanna go through with this?" She asks while stopping me and making eye contact with me.

"Of course! I need the money. Nick helped, sure, but I need to start making my own again. Get used to it, you know?" I ask her and she nods. I lean down to kiss her head and we walk into the arena.

It's a full house and I see a poster that has my name and face on it. I get chills across my whole body at the thought of letting Perrie see me lose to a champion. I get my boxing gloves and sit on a stool. Perrie walks behind me and smiles.

"Do you need a little help?"'she asks pointing to me struggling to put my gloves on.

"Yes please." I tell her as she starts to strap them on tightly.

She smiles and looks at me."Please do this for Carly. Just imagine her face in her mind and be careful. I want you to win but not for fun, alright." She says as she straps the last glove on me.

I get up and jump in place. I smack the gloves together and Niall walks into he room with a grin. "I'm so proud to be your manager. The struggle is real with you on a daily basis but now I'm honestly honored." He tells me and embraces me with Perrie just trying to cover up giggles.

I roll my eyes and smack him on the head with my glove. "When did I ask you to be my manager? When did we have a conversation about this.... Oh yeah..... Never!"

Niall leans back with hurt. "Damn Lima. You haven't even fought yet and you're already being a dick." He tells me as he walks to the food machine and buys some chips and a soda. He glared at me and smiles at Perrie and leaves the room.

I hear the announcer start to introduce himself and I know that I'm next. I hug Perrie and I walk to the ring. I see Perrie walk into the audience and sit down. I get up to the ring and lean back on the rope.

"Welcome to the most talked about fight this year. The first opponent is weighting at 170 pounds his name is Liam Payne!" I hear claps here and there mostly coming from Perrie and Niall. "The next opponent is weighting at 160 pounds his name is Zayn Malik!"

Zayn walks up to the ring and everyone except Perrie and Niall clap which makes me feel strange.

Zayn and I just stand and look at each other. I feel his hatred on me and I feel like a puppy next to him. I hear him slightly growl and walk back to his corner while I do the same. He's really intimidated. He walks back to his corner and I do the same. I just wait there for the bell to ring to begin the first round.

All of a sudden, the bell chimes and I see the referee signaling me to walk towards Zayn and tap our gloves together. I slowly drag myself to stand in front of Zayn again. We tap gloves and Zayn puts his gloves up and walks towards me. He swings to my left and my reaction is to lean to the right. He looks at me with wide eyes and I swing my glove to the left and hit him square in the jaw. Zayn cracks his jaw back in place and looks at me. After three times of avoiding Zayn's glove to my face, Zayn somehow looks to Perrie and he just stays looking at her. I take the advantage and strike his right side and he falls back in defeat. I hear the audience all jump in shock.

The referee grabs my hand and lifts it in the air. All the audience cheer with Niall jumping up and down with Perrie.

"The winner is Liam Payne!" He said and I jumped in excitement. I walk out off the ring and into the back room to wait for Pez and Niall. They walk through the door and hug me.

"You did it boy! I'm so proud of you! I trained you well!" Niall patted my shoulder.

"That was amazing! I really thought he was going to knock you out but I was wrong."

She says to me and embraces me. All I have to do is get back to Lou and Harry and take my daughter out to eat with the money that I deserve.

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