•Chapter 8•

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Perrie's POV

Today Liam and I were going on an official date. Liam's friends, Louis and Harry, we're taking care of Carly for him since they want a daughter of their own soon. He's going to take us to a little restaurant and get to know each other. Right now, I'm fixing my hair since it looks like I barley woke up from a two year sleep. I get a text from Liam and my face blushes.

"Hey Love. I'm stuck in traffic because there's a puppy in the middle of the freeway. I'll be there is five minutes since I have to help it cross safely. See ya Pez." - Liam

I had told him about my high school nickname and now it's a thing for him. I huff and fix my make up a bit to look good. I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth for the evening.

After five minutes, I hear a knock on my front door. I get my bag and run to the door to try not to keep Liam waiting. I open the door to a very dressed up Liam Payne.

"Hello." He greets me.

"Hey." I smile as we walk to his car.

"You look very beautiful." He compliments me. He takes my hand and we walk to his car. Short drive later, we arrive to the little restaurant that is surrounded by lights everywhere. We walk in and Liam asks the waiter for his reservation. The water seats us and we look through the menu. We finally choose what we want and now we're in silence.

"What's your favorite season?" Liam asks me with a wondering tone.

"I simply adore winter because it's practically life for me and I love wearing big comfy sweaters that are twice as big as me." I tell him and he looks at me with wondering eyes.

"You and me have common season. I love it because it's sweater weather. I get to stay indoors with Carly and watch movies." He states with excitement. He stops and looks at me."Maybe we can have a movie night all together?" He asks.

"Maybe." I tell him with a giggle. "I just have to bring my puppy Hatchi and he's a Pomeranian and he gets clingy sometimes since u clearly am his mother."

He nods. "I'm sure Carly won't mind. She'd never had a pet before so it might do her good to meet a new furry friend."

I laugh and nod.

When the soup comes to our table, Liam grabs his spoon and places it to the right of him and instead uses a fork to my confusion.

"You do have a spoon, ya know?" I tell him but he shrugs.

"I'm not a fan of them really." He answered with a frown.

I nod and push the topic away and instead enjoy he delicious soup.

After Liam pays, we walk out together to his car. We arrive at my house and Liam walks me to the door.

I walk towards the door and turn around to face Liam's glowing face. "I really enjoyed tonight. It was.....special. In a very good way." I state and he laughs.

"I love how you scare me sometimes but then cover it up with something good. My hear is racing like it ran a marathon." Liam jokes.

He leans to hug me and we just stay that way for maybe a whole minute.

Liam lets go of me and kisses my cheek.  "I'll call you later. Goodnight." He says to me while putting his hands in his jacket since it's so cold out.

I wave and smile. "Goodnight." I finally enter my warm house and make some hot coco.

Liam's POV
I finally arrive in my house and see Lou eating some cereal with Harry kissing his neck.

"Hey guys!" I say loudly while slamming the door. Harry jumps up and pretends he was just sitting there and not giving Louis a hickey.

"What happened? Why are you smiling? Unless the cold makes you smile then go on." Harry jokes and brushes his hair off his shoulders.

"The date went amazing, Perrie is such a gift to me and I love the cold, thank you very much Hazza." I joke as I change into my pajamas.

I walk into the living room and to Lou. I take the cereal out of his hands and put it in the sink.

"Hey! Fucker! I was still eating that!" He says to me while slamming his hands on the couch.

I glare at him. "Firstly, it just cereal. Secondly, shut your mouth because Carly is sleeping. Lastly, this is my house so please leave it's getting late." I plead and he just nods and leads Harry and himself out the door and closes it.

Finally....... Peace and Quiet.

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