Mr. & Mrs. Overland

Start from the beginning

"That's lovely." Elsa said.

Then my phone went off, and I sighed.

"It's the office, I have to go to work. I love you, and I'll be home tonight.... late." I said, and pecked Elsa's lips.

"Okay, love you honey. I'll just be here talking to Will."

"Okay." I smiled, then left the house and drove off, knowing very well what was going to happen. I drove to an alleyway and sat in my car crying. Crying for her, me, and us.

Elsa's POV

Moment Jack left, the show begins.

"So Will, I see your not married yet."

"No, waiting for the right one I suppose." he shrugged still looking at my chest.

Right one, bullshit!

"Well, don't worry, you'll find her. I thought I was never going to find someone with my....... condition."

"Condition?" he asked.

"I'm a sex addict." I said, and his jaw just dropped, "Anyway, Jason accepted me for this flaw..... but recently I'm starting to regret it."


"Well he always is at work. I need a man who can always be there to satisfy my needs, and Jason isn't just here enough to do it."

"Really, well that is a shame." Will said stepping towards me, "You should always have your needs satisfied."

"You think?" I asked smiling.

"I know so, a pretty girl like you deserves everything." he said, "I would defiantly always be there for you."

Men like him are so easy to manipulate it is insane. They know that they are huge criminals and wanted by several governments, yet don't suspect a single thing like ever! Seriously, if I were him I would be wondering why a recently married woman is so into him, but he obviously doesn't think with his brain.

Let's just get this bullshit over with already.

I leaned in and kissed him, and he instantly grabbed my ass.

Some men have no class anymore. Well, this is going to be a horrible evening.

~Time Skip~

The creep left, and I put on a robe and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. The guy was super-duper rough in bed, like it was almost exactly like torture. My wrists were bleeding, and my back was all bruised and torn apart. I sat and drank it while I took a long bath thinking about the other mission, and new ways to kill people.

"Aria! I'm home!" Jack called.

He walked into the bathroom and found me.

'is there any cameras?' he mouthed and I shook my head. He shut the door and then walked over to me.

"Hey, how you doing?" he asked.

"Like shit, but alive. Overall can't complain." I said.

"Did he hurt you?"

When I didn't answer Jack figuratively flipped.

"Elsa, what did he do?"

I raised my arms from out of the bubbles where you could see the bloody rings from the cuffs, then turned around where all of the whip bruises and cuts were.

He moved some bubbles and saw that the bathwater was all red. Jack gasped and started crying.

Why the hell was he crying? He was totally fine! I should be the one crying if anything!!!

"Jack, why the hell are you crying?" I asked being totally confused.

"I'm crying because that sick bastard hurt you." he said, "Elsa, I'm not going to sleep with you. Not in your condition."

"Jack, we have a damn job to do. You do it now."

"No, Elsa your back looks like you were sent through a giant shredder."

"I have damaged nerve endings, I hardly felt that." I said.

"Elsa, I'm not doing it." he said.

"Jack, you are going to do it. We have a plan, and we stick to it no matter what."

"The plan didn't involve you being this hurt." he said.

"Jack, our jobs as spies is to get our mission completed no matter what, and always stick to the plan. If something goes unaccordingly to it, we improvise, and try to get back to the plan." I said, "I need a good partner in the field, one who can push aside emotions and get the job done. So tell me, are you a spy, or a pussy?"

He sighed, "I'm a spy."


"I'm going to be careful though, I don't want to hurt you."

"Darling, physical pain does hardly anything to me anymore."

"Just don't do anything that might hurt yourself either. Believe it or not, you are more loved than you think." he said, then walked out of the bathroom.

Loved? Please, no one loves me, they only want me for my body or money.

I sighed and got out of the tub, and wrapped a robe around me. When I walked out, I was Jack smiling at me, but his eyes said differently. His eyes had a mixture of some emotions that I cannot read to save my life.

I walked up to him, and kissed him, and he started kissing back. While he kissed, he tugged at the strings on my robe, and very slowly let the rob fall to the floor.

I felt his warm wet tears slip onto my cheeks, and wanted to bitch slip him and yell man up. Instead I fell onto the bed, and he got on top of me, being careful not to put all of his weight on top of me.

"I love you Aria." he said.

"I love you too Jason." I responded, and he started trailing kisses from my jaw all the way to my belly button.

I hated saying I love you to him, but I had to be convincing. Lets be serious here, this is me we are talking about. I have no idea what love is, and I never will. Love is fake, is doesn't exist and never will, and I know for a fact I will never fall in love.

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