Chapter Eight

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Kyle's POV

"You did what?" I hissed at him. I specifically told him not to harm her, I knew her little dog would try and protect her. We were in the main room of Headquarters. I was sat behind a wooden desk located in the center of the room, trying not to bash Adrian's skull against the desk for defying me. He stood across from me, hands by his sides as he gazed steadily into my eyes. My eyes snapped back to his as spoke.

"I did what I thought was necessary," he shrugged. She is mine and no one else's. How dare he even think about hurting her just for the sake of the mission?

Yet she still managed to escape.

"There was nothing I could do to prevent her from escaping," he said, reading my thoughts. "With the body control spell, I couldn't have stopped her." I had put a cast on Adrian so that I controlled his actions that day. I thought it was a good idea at the time; I would be able to make sure he wouldn't let her escape. That backfired.

It was my fault she escaped. But that’s not something Adrian needed to know.

"Ever since she was little she was always a sneaky little thing." His face became softer and I could tell he was thinking of her. Adrian always had a soft spot for Alexandra, a soft spot I had worked hard to try and rid him of. Having any sort of feeling of compassion for a target was strictly illegal. Not only would it complicate the mission, but the Elders would also have to exorcise the traitor. The process was tedious and excruciatingly painful.

"That little mutt gave us some trouble, though." He trailed off. "He wouldn't shut up about saving her, so we sedated him and wiped his memory."

"Did you use enough of the mix? He is a descendant from the prophecy you know." I knew he gave him enough, but I was in a mood where I was suspicion of everything that happened. The last thing I needed was another problem on our way to war.

He rolled his eyes at me, "I know what I'm doing Kyle," he snapped. I growled at him, my inner demon coming out.

"I am your superior Adrian, you will do well to remember that." I was the one who found the Cave; I was the one who made Adrian's life so much better by showing him the Cave. If it weren't for me he would still be one of them, an undeserving paranormal that took up our precious time and forces.

"Of course, sorry Kyle." He bowed his head and placed his right hand on his left shoulder. It was a sign of resignation, a white flag. My inner demon smiled as I excused him. No one would come between my prize and me, she would be my trophy during the war; the catalyst.


"No! Get away from me!" She screamed in the dream. I laughed in the present world. Manipulating her dreams was so easy, I just had to find a small area to break through and then I was in. I could read her mind using the control I had on her, making her see things that aren't there. It was like taking candy from a baby.

Her emotions fed me; the fear and loathing had me vibrating with power. I drank it in, loving the feeling of dominance and power course through me.

"Sean…" she whimpered. She was too easy, her resolve was fading as fast as her sanity. She had always been too trusting with people. Too eager to tell anyone anything to move up on the social ladder.

“Don’t do this, please! Someone help me! Please!” She was going crazy, thrashing around in her blankets. I tightened my hold on her mind, forcing her to cave.

“So we meet again.” I thought into her mind. Her eyes widened, “Not this again, please anything but this.” She was panting, fully awake by now. She thought she was escaping me, when in reality she only managed to make my hold on her more solid.

“Now, now. Relax,” I felt her mental walls slightly release. I plowed through her barriers and she screamed in pain. “Isn’t this better?” She nodded her head.

“You know what you have to do. Separate them at all costs, do everything and anything it takes. Kill the filthy mutt, or keep him for yourself, I don’t care. Just make sure the girl is alive.”

Her eyes began to roll back in her head, and I knew that I had to get out of there. If I stayed any longer she would go insane. The nix mind is too weak and fragile to handle one of a demon. I released her mind, detaching it from my own.

Until next time, my dear.


Alex’s POV

Have you ever heard something that sounds so absurd, so unrealistic, that you can’t even fathom it being true? Have you ever felt like the world is playing one giant practical joke on you? That about sums up me emotions right now.

There is no way Chase and I are the two of the prophecy. No freaking way.

I look at Kyle, my eyebrow quirked. “That’s the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard.”

Kyle sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “The prophecy exists, Alex. The elders know it, the demons know it.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t check my magic crystal ball this morning. Sorry if I’m confused by all this fortune teller crap.” I threw my hands in the air, snorting in disbelief. I know, I know; I’m a true proper lady.

Chase reached around and grabbed my wrist. “Alex… It’s true. We are the supers of the prophecy. Think about it. You can feed off me without dying of blood poisoning, hell we even shared a dream! That only happens when two supers are bonded.”

Shit, I bit him. Why didn’t I check for the mark? Shit, shit, SHIT!

The mark is a special design that a vampire gives their mate. It won’t show up unless the two supers are meant to be together. I guess this is where fictional writers got the whole “werewolf soul mate” thing from. In reality, Werewolves only bite their food, maybe their partners if they’re into ehum… that type of thing.

I had always known that Chase was my mate, but he doesn’t know that. From the first day I met him, I knew that the friendship we shared was different. I should have checked for the mark sooner. If Kyle was right, that would mean the world of super naturals is in danger. Think of it as World War |||. Still… a part of me wanted Chase to be my mate.

“Chase,” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Can you bend down?” My voice came out scratchy and frail. He looked at me funny, but bent down any way.

I swept his slightly curly hair away from his neck. My eyes widened as my brain registered what I was seeing. It was a collection of rugged lines in a shape of a rose: my mark. Holy shit. We are bonded.

“I told you, you two are the ones of the prophecy. It’s a pity, really, that I’m going to have to kill your mate, Alex.”

I hissed at Kyle, my incisors descending. I lunged at him, but was frozen in mid air.

“Uh, uh, uh. Nice try Alex, you were always a feisty one. But I was always one step ahead of you, and your little mutt.” Kyle twisted his hand and I heard a cry of pain from behind me. He flicked his hand again and I spun around. It’s a good thing I don’t get motion sickness.

My eyes fell upon Chase. He was in wolf form, panting heavily. It was then I noticed the large gash on his side.

“NO!” I wanted to scream. This can’t be happening. Suddenly, I was spun back around so that I was facing Kyle.

“It had begun, Alex. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”




Its been way too long, and I got caught up in my school work. The good news is that now that it's summer I will be updating more frequently. 

Anyways.... How'd you guys like the chapter? Who was the girl Kyle/Sean was controlling? Did you like the different POV? It was actually harder to write from Kyle's point of view than I thought it would be...

I updated my poetry a while back, so if you haven't check that out yet, do it! :P 


- Sy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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