Chapter Five

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I inhaled sharply, my eyes wide with dismay.

He can't be!

But… he is.

I stiffened at the sound of footsteps coming near. Beads of perspirations broke out on my forehead.

"Alex? Are you here?" I heard a deep voice call out.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

I backed into the corner of the bunker, as far away from the entrance as I could get. I covered my ears with my hands, cringing as the hunger pains struck again.

I saw two feet come through the entrance, then a torso, then a man. I could smell the blood from an open wound. Before I realized what I was doing, I had jumped onto the man and clamped my teeth down onto this neck, sucking his blood. I moaned with pleasure.

I felt the man slide down to the floor; I barely felt his arms come around me. He tried to pull me off of his neck, I held fast not wanting the pleasure to end. The blood was amazing, and I wanted more.

"Alex…" the man panted. He sounded like he had just run a marathon. The voice sounded familiar. I loosened my grip on his neck, and in that brief second I was torn away from his blood. He flipped me around so that we were facing each other. Those green eyes were speckled bits of gold, his wavy dark hair falling into his face.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, it had been so long… I'm so sorry Chase," my eyes were filling with tears, "I swear I didn't mean to hurt you! I smelled blood when you first came in and…" I was rambling.

"Shhh, it's okay Alex," Chase reassured me.

"I couldn't stop my self… I would have," I gulped, "drained you…" I whispered. As soon as I said the words, I knew they were true.

I could have killed him.

I would have killed him.

Tears prickled the back of my eyes. I sniffled and looked at my feet, suddenly finding the cement fascinating.

Chase gathered me into his arms and pulled me up so that we were standing.

"Lets go home, Alex. You've had a rough week."

"Week? It felt like a day at the most."

He gave me a weird look, "Alex, you've been missing for over a week. I've been looking for you ever since…" He trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

"Ever since what Chase?"

He shot me a sympathetic look, "Alexandra… a few days after you went missing, your parents were found in their house… dead." He cringed away at the last word.

"Dead?" I asked in disbelief. The tears that I had held back earlier came spilling over. My body shook with my sobs. I cried like I had lost a part of me, and in a way, I had. I had lost my mother and father, and I had almost lost Chase. Hell, I almost lost myself.

I vaguely remember Chase driving to me to his place. It must have taken hours to get there, but all I could think of were my parents. Memories drifted across my vision.

Mom and me making pie for Thanksgiving.

Dad fixing my toy car when I drove it over a cliff.

Mom cleaning my cuts, explaining to me why we use our words instead of our fists.

My parents, alive.

Images of their possible deaths taunted me.

When we finally arrived at Chase's house, I was still making a weird hiccupping sound. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me over the center counsel. He had a broken look on his face.

Beautiful NightmareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang