18: Violent Bodyguard

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Chilled's POV

It was a lot warmer in my room that I had expected, or what I would have expected had it been my room. I woke up under several blankets and was sweating profusely. I realized that I wasn't even wearing my own clothes, but it didn't matter. After recalling all of yesterday's events, I was rather glad that I was at least alive.

Maybe it had been foolish, but I hadn't wanted to see Ze die. I had been willing to throw everything away for him, and I had at that point. Now, he was taking care of me. I still remembered the beat that my heart skipped when Terroriser had called Ze out perfectly without even trying. GaLm had been trying to get me to keep quiet. Smarty had only just joined the group when I opened up, and he smacked GaLm on the arm when explained what was happening. Smarty knew about Ze, and didn't care. Smarty was all for whatever made me happy, and he was quick to stand up for us both, thankfully. I owed him a thank you at some point as well.

I stood up slowly, my head rather light, and I stumbled to the door. I opened it up, walking out and yawning as I was exhausted. Sun shone through all the windows, lighting up the hardwood floor and giving the house a bright, warm aura. I teetered on sleepy feet into the kitchen where I heard Ze's voice echoing from, and I tried not to slip and fall. I was not a morning person.

I walked into the kitchen, and stood there with wide eyes as I realized what I had walked in on. A pretty girl was standing there with dark hair, a streak of purple on one side. She had been talking to Ze, but turned to me and gaped at me appearance. I suddenly realized how bad this must look, stumbling from the direction of Ze's room, wearing his clothes looking like I hadn't slept for shit. My cheeks heated up, and I felt the blush taking hold of my ears and face. Ze turned in his chair to look at me, and his gaze went up and down my person briefly, but not fast enough that it wasn't noticed by this girl and myself. Did he not see what she did?

With a knowingly pained expression and a sigh, Ze realized what the girl was thinking and turned his head away, eyes closed. She rounded the counter to his side of it, and grabbed him by the ear in such a motherly fashion that it surprised me she wasn't his. She dragged him out the front door and slammed it behind them, leaving me to stand awkwardly in the kitchen in oversized sweats, unsure of what to do. Instead, I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and waited for Ze and his lady friend to finish talking. It started out with just words, and then it evolved into shouting rather quickly. I could only sit and listen, not to the words as they were muffled and jumbled through the door, but just in general to what they were saying to one another. Finally, it grew into laughter, and a lot of it. There was joking, and what sounded like jeering, and the door suddenly burst open, startling me.

The girl strolled back in, shooting me a wide grin before swooping around the counter and grabbing her cup of coffee. With impressive speed, she stood by the sink and swallowed every last bit of it, chugging it and wiping her mouth the back of her hand as a finish. Then, she set the cup down, grabbed her jacket, swept back by me with a sweet smile still plastered onto her face, and out the door right past Ze as he held it open for her. He sighed, letting it shut and blocking out the sounds of the town meetings outside and the shouting that occurred.

"I am so sorry about that." Ze said, letting his eyes wander my torso this time for a mere split second that I wasn't sure I caught, and then he smiled at me. "That was Minx, a friend of mine." The way he stated this was as if to tell me that they were friends, but it maybe wasn't someone that I should consider befriending either. I nodded, sipping from my coffee as his cheeks slowly drained of their bright red state, and I swallowed roughly.

"Well, seeing as how I seemed to have caused enough problems, I should probably head home." I said, and Ze's gaze snapped up from his coffee as I set my cup down and turned back to his room. I thought I heard him move towards me to stop me, but I had shut his door and was already changing. I switched back into my own clothes, pulling my jacket over my shoulders and folding his things onto his bed. I made the covers back up as well, preferring to leave them but understanding Ze's OCD about organization. Then, I left the room and made my way into the kitchen again. Surprisingly, Ze had his boots on and was waiting at the door.

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