12: Some Good Advice

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Chilled's POV

"Dude are you alright?"

"Just fine, GaLm." I lied, letting the words slip through my teeth as GaLm looked at me closely. He peered into my eyes, and I simply turned to walk to the meetings for the day. I wasn't alright, I was still embarrassed by the interaction between Ze and I the night before. That man was something else entirely, and I had most definitely not expected him to have such a strong personality. The memory of my towel instantly slapping against the ground, and the sound of Ze laughing and my door shutting. I had frozen completely after yelping, and I hadn't even been sure how much of me he had seen before finally shutting the door. I was sure with all my yelping and screaming he would think I was rather weak.

"I heard you talked to Smarty the other day." GaLm said, and I looked up at him as we walked. He wore a grin at the name of our childhood friend, and I smiled as well. I had, and parts of me were seriously considering doing it a second time tonight. Smarty had been so helpful the first time, and I knew that anything we talked about that he considered private would not be passed on to GaLm or anyone, and I loved him for it. "He came and visited me, and he's unhappy about so many deaths from the fire, but he's come into town today to gather up the dead. What did you guys talk about anyway?"

"Just catching up." I lied again, and I looked at GaLm as he looked at me. He was good at telling when someone was lying, he had to be as a jailor, but I was good at lying when it came to defending Smarty. We may have all been friends, but GaLm was taught to put his town before his friends, and so if we knew information and withheld it from him, he wouldn't forgive us easily for it. I had been treading lightly and he was noticing it, but he dismissed Smarty and I's conversation as nothing and listened in to the meetings.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Smarty asked, walking from behind us, and I tore myself from my thoughts to shoot him a smile. GaLm looked equally happy to see our friend here, and Smarty stood beside him at first, the pair exchanging words in hushed whispers. I peered through the crowd of people, desperate to find Ze but also nervous to do so. I located him, beside that girl with the purple hair. She caught my gaze before Ze did, and she beamed at me, nudging Ze who looked slightly confused before turning my way. Luckily, Smarty drew my attention away at the last second, and I smiled at him.

"Yeah, see? He's been zoning out and silent most of this morning, which is strangely unusual." GaLm said, and Smarty shot me a mischievous look that I only blushed at and shook my head. With a strangled laugh, he walked to my other side and clapped me on the shoulder. He leaned forward as GaLm turned to listen to the executioner who was announcing the deaths of people and asking for evidence. Strangely enough, the small twist in my stomach that usually appeared when I heard the call for evidence was gone. I ignored that and the feeling of Ze's gaze burning into my back and focused on Smarty.

"Well, let me guess, your 'friend' is getting to you?" the way that he emphasized 'friend' bothered me, but I bit my lip and tried to ignore it. It sounded as though he were implying something else, which only reminded me of what happened last night when Ze came to visit. I couldn't date a serial killer, that would be bad news for everyone. Plus, relationships were avoided until one's role was official. That was a rare thing to come by without death. Instead, I shot Smarty a look which he took affirmation and only laughed at this. He nudged me, smiling still. "Point him out to me, what does he look like?" he asked, looking around through the crowds as though I had already given an accurate description. I could still feel Ze's gaze on me, and decided it wouldn't be a good idea to point him out.

"Maybe later." I faltered, and Smarty seemed to catch where I was coming from. With a respectful nod, he stood by me once more talking about how nice that weather had been after the storms that had swept across the town. I turned, tuning Smarty out for a mere moment as my gaze met Ze's. He smirked, and I blushed, turning from him.

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