7: My Name is Ze

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Chilled's POV

"Are you sure about this Chilled?"

"I'm not too sure this time, GaLm."

"You're always sure."

"Yeah, but this time I'm going to need you to be sure."

The conversation replayed in my head several times over as I stood there, gaping at the center of the town. I went off the information that I was given by the man who had saved me, whose name I never even bothered to ask for, and I investigated it myself. It was possible that he was framed, but now that I stood in the meetings with GaLm, who watched with narrowed eyes as the man came up a framer himself, I could hardly believe it. That man from last night had been correct, known that he was mafia even, and left me with only such info after ordering me never to speak to him again.

As if he could stop me from trying.

I wanted to know how he did it. How did he get such information? Was it possible that another investigator had resurfaced so quickly? I wasn't sure, but I was trying desperately to locate the man as we stood there, listening to the executioner's boring, monotone drawls about the death of another mafia member. GaLm, of course, had to ruin my search with his need to understand my sudden panic that seemed to have lasted from last night when I visited him to the present.

"What made you so unsure last night?" he asked, and I tried to ignore him, peering through faces and looking for the brown curls, that unshaven beard that appeared so scruffy, his bright eyes that held a twinkle of mischief; where could he be? GaLm nudged me.

"I got information from a secondary source and didn't get much of a chance to make an opinion for myself, it was a guess and a hope to be right." I admitted finally, still looking around. Several figures had hoods on, and I now began to analyze them as best I could from afar. GaLm snorted next to me, and I ignored him again as I looked around more. I focused on a man in the back, standing next to a girl with hair streaked purple, and I recognized him as the guy from before. I kept my gaze on him, before ignoring whatever GaLm asked me next and began slipping behind people, moving through the crowd. GaLm hissed at me, but I continued. I walked behind people, trying to be discreet as I moved towards the hooded figure, and I made my way over to him, just barely catching him by the arm as the crowd started leaving. His eyes were full of rage until he met mine, and they instantly calmed; well, sort of.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, and I widened my eyes in emphasis to keep quiet. He seemed to realize that we could draw too much attention too easily. "We can't be seen together, you shouldn't be talking to me, I thought that I made myself clear." His words stung, but he was right. He'd told me to back off. Even so, I wanted to know his name, and even more so I wanted to know how he knew about the mafia member.

"I need to ask you something." I hissed in return, and he looked frustrated, ears going red as people started shooting glances our way, suspicious and unsure of what we were doing. I kept a firm grip on his arm, and it would look bad if either one of us burst out in anger. He glanced around a second more before staring at me. His gaze was hard, and he clenched his jaw shut. Finally, he shook his head.

"House 16, keep quiet and leave me be until then!" he snapped, and ripped his arm from my grasp. He turned and stalked away, catching up to the girl with purple hair who stared at me with a look that could freeze the pits of hell. I turned, walking the other direction quickly as the clearing the emptied. I thought about how angry he had gotten, how flustered. Maybe our meetings in front of other people weren't a good thing, it could easily draw ties to the other that weren't needed; I understood where he came from now. I ducked into my house, and was going to wait for the evening until GaLm suddenly burst through my door. His eyes landed on me, and he leaned forward, grabbing me by the collar.

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