15: How to Lie

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Chilled's POV

Something told me that it might not have been such a wise idea to stay up for the majority of the night playing cards with Ze. We were both far from sober, as the bottle of whiskey had gone quick only to be replaced by another one, and the cards became sloppy and less cared about. Our joking and dealing of cards quickly transitioned into the story about me living up to my parents and him not ever really knowing his parents that well. We talked about the pictures he'd seen in my house, and I informally introduced him to GaLm, Smarty, and our other friend Tom who I'd mentioned that I hadn't seen for some time. I wondered where he'd gone. Either way, the night was long, and I fell asleep only to be returned to my own home with a small note from Ze in apology for keeping me up so late.

Unfortunately I was not he one to find the note.

"Chilled, what the fuck is this?" GaLm's voice entered my ears, and my eyes barely cracked open. It felt like dawn, and my stomach screamed in agony for the pain it suddenly felt. Whiskey never felt good on the way out versus the way in. Ripping the note from GaLm's hands, I found my way to the nearest toilet and emptied my stomach's contents there, making GaLm grimace behind me. After coughing and sputtering, forcing myself to keep some water down that GaLm so kindly brought me, I stared at the note and read it over.


What a fucking weird name. Why don't you have a cool nickname, dude? I'm just going to call you Chilly Willy, because you try to be tough but you're just so soft and the name suits you. Anyways, you passed out at my place, and I wasn't too keen on leaving you there for some of my less desirable friends to find you. Instead, I brought you home and locked you in. I hope that was okay. I'll see you soon, hopefully with more information, or maybe just to say hi ;)

~ Ze

I smiled at the note, the nickname he'd dubbed me making me want to giggle but my stomach growled in warning against it. GaLm sighed with impatience behind me, and I chuckled, folding the note up and shoving it into a pocket in my jeans. GaLm really didn't need to know about what Ze and I did in our free time. That being said in my brain, I blushed and shook my head. Ze was really starting to get to me. I stood, turning to GaLm and smiling.

"You're not going to explain that?" he asked me, and pointed at my pocket. I shook my head, stretching and grabbing my jacket as the bells tolled outside, warning us that the meetings were to begin at any moment. I knew that GaLm had a thing about being punctual, and so my steps were rushed as I made my way out the door. "Not at all? It was from that Ze guy, wasn't it? You guys seem to be hanging out a lot lately." GaLm's notice of Ze and I's sudden budding friendship made me uncomfortable. Despite the fact that I had seen him kill two people in front of me now, our little bonding time last night had really sold me in for this. I no longer was concerned that he would try to kill me, and neither him for me. It was mutual.

"We're just friends, GaLm. Much like you and I, or Smarty." I said, nudging GaLm's arm with my elbow in a friendly way to get him to see my point of view. Instead, he frowned at me and kept a non comical face. I wasn't sure what it was, but GaLm was managing to see right through my discomfort with this conversation and into the truth.

"You and I have been friends since we could walk, and Smarty we've known just as long." GaLm's voice was flat, and held an implied question behind it that he seemed to not want to ask. His frown turned into an interrogative glare, staring me down as I pretended to focus on the meetings and not the fire practically emitting from him at my side. "Besides, we all know how friendships work here. Anything new is suspicious. Hell, anything since the beginning of time is suspicious. You can't be going around and making friends with everyone you see because they seem nice, and that will look bad on both your part and his."

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