Niall Stomach Virus

Start from the beginning

"I think so," Niall replied hoarsely. Harry leaned forward flushing the toilet for Niall.

"How about we go back to bed?" Harry asked. Niall nodded. Harry helped Niall stand and lead him back to bed. "Hang tight I'm going to get you some more water," Harry told him. Niall nodded. Harry went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. As he did he pulled out his phone. It was six in the morning. He sent a text to both Liam and Louis.

Liam, Louis: Boys Niall's really sick. I'm in his room right now. When you wake up come over to his room.

Harry hit send and walked back over to Niall. He handed the water to Niall and Niall took it taking small sips. He set the bottle down and reached his hands up for Harry. Harry got back in bed and pulled Niall in close to him. Niall rested his head on Harry's chest. Harry played with Niall's hair until he relaxed and fell back to sleep. Harry soon followed after him.

Niall stayed asleep for a few more hours. He woke up around eight when his stomach cramped painfully. He whimpered a little and shifted closer to Harry. Harry immediately woke up feeling Niall move closer to him. He put his arm around the older male and allowed him to cuddle in closer to him. He could feel the heat coming off Niall's body. He sighed and stroked the back of Niall's head.

"I don't feel good Hazza," Niall whimpered.

"I know pal, just relax. I'm here," Harry whispered. Niall buried his head in the crook of Harry's neck as Harry continued stroking Niall's hair. Niall's stomach gave a nauseating flip sending Niall shooting out of bed and back to the bathroom and Harry not far behind. Niall was leaned over the toilet once more heaving violently into it. "Aww Niall," Harry whispered. About that time the hotel door opened and Liam walked in. He heard the commotion coming from the bathroom and went quickly to them. Harry look up at him while rubbing Niall's back. He gave him a slight sad smile and looked back to Niall. Liam knelt down next to Niall and put his hand on his back as well. Niall couldn't get a break between retching to look back to see who else was there.

"Oh Niall," Liam said sympathetically realize just how sick his friend was. Niall coughed and gagged again bringing up nothing but stomach acid at this point. Harry and Liam looked at each other sadly.

"Liam," Niall whimpered when he finally got a break.

"Yeah mate it's me," Liam whispered. Liam rubbed up and down Niall's back until Niall's heaving stopped.

"Done mate?" Harry asked. Niall nodded. He was too weak to stand up. Liam took him in his arms and carried him back to bed while Harry got the bathroom back in order. Liam laid Niall down and covered him with his blankets. He handed him his water and said,

"Drink slowly mate." Niall did as he was told and laid back down. Harry came back out and they both looked down at their very sick friend.

"Do you want one of us to lay with you mate?" Harry asked.

"Liam," Niall whimpered.

"Best if you try to rest a bit yourself Haz, you've been up all night," Liam told him. Harry nodded. Liam got into bed and Niall curled in close to him. Liam pulled him into a hug and let Niall curl up into his chest. He rubbed Niall's back and hummed softly. Harry laid down on the couch feeling for the first time how tired he really was. All three boys were asleep within minutes. They didn't wake up again until Louis came into the room. Harry looked up and saw Louis walking in with bags of food.

"Brought Niall some soup. How's he doing?" Louis asked. Harry pointed over to the bed where Liam and Niall were still cuddled together. Louis went over and gently stroked Niall's hair. Niall opened his eyes. "Hey mate," Louis smiled.

"Hey Lou," Niall said softly. Liam opened his eyes and let Niall out of his grip.

"How you feeling?" Louis asked. Niall shrugged. "I brought you a little something to eat. You wanna try to eat something for us?" Niall nodded and sat up. Louis took out the hot container of soup and brought it over to Niall. Niall took it and ate it slowly. He ate most of it before he felt it toss in his stomach. He refused the rest trying to keep what he already ate in his stomach.

"Alright Nialler?" Liam asked. Niall shook his head and wrapped his arm around his stomach.

"Get the trash over there Lou," Harry instructed. Louis did as he was told and brought the trash can over and set it down beside Niall's bed. Liam rubbed his back while Niall held his head in his hands. Louis and Harry both moved over to comfort their friend.

"Sorry you're so unwell mate," Liam said softly. Louis put his hand on Niall's shoulder while Harry sat down on the other side of Niall on the bed. Niall's stomach churned and Niall groaned putting his hand to his mouth.

"Alright mate?" Louis asked. Niall took a breath in then gagged into his hand. Without missing a beat Harry grabbed the bin and held it under Niall's chin catching the first round of Niall's lunch that was making an unwelcome reappearance. Liam ran his fingers through Niall's hair. Louis cringed as Niall continued retching but he didn't leave Niall's side. Once Niall had gotten everything back up he looked up at his friends with tears in his eyes. Harry took the bin and washed it out. Louis knelt down in front of Niall and pushed the hair out of his eyes. He took the water from the night stand and held the bottle up to Niall's lips. Niall accepted the water letting it cool down his burning throat. Harry came back with the trash and set it down beside the bed.

"Alright now mate?" Liam asked. Niall nodded. "Want to lay back down?" Niall nodded again leaning on Liam. Liam wrapped his arms around and pulled him back down into bed. Niall cuddled into Liam again while Liam held him there. Harry and Louis both sat back down on the couch. Niall was soon back to sleep. All three boys stayed with Niall for the rest of that day and night until Niall was feeling better. 

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