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(Quick chapter :3)


The days leading up to the ultrasound wore me out in both body and mind. I was studying school after the principle had agreed to allow Richard to help me during the time I pregnant, but I was also reading as much about custody issues and mothers' rights as I could. And boy was there a lot of information!

"Hey, take a break Sammy. Dinner's ready and I know you're hungry." Richard said as he walked over to where I was laying on the floor, my paw on the mouse he had connected to the laptop. It had taken me a good day to figure out how to move it just right with my paw to allow myself to browse articles, but it had been well worth the frustration.

Thank you. I said while looking up at him with a slight wag of my stubby tail. He smiled and set my food down. Coda ran over at the same time, nibbling at the portion on the side of the plate that was obviously made for him. After finishing the last paragraph of the article I had been on, I turned my attention to the hamburger and pasta on the plate and began eating heartily.

Ever since the pregnancy began my appetite had skyrocketed. I was easily eating twice what I had before, which was surprising considering I hadn't even eaten that much when feeding my first litter. Not that there was much to eat. I reminded myself bitterly.

"Your appointment is tomorrow, so we'll get up early for that before heading in to work." Richard said as he sat down next to me, leaning against the sofa as he began to eat. He was so sweet, always eating on the floor with me and the kids since I couldn't really eat at the table without making a mess.

"Do you think it's an animal pregnancy this time? Or human? I have to say, I'd be glad if it was animal so the gestation is a lot shorter." Richard said with a light laugh. He tried to play it off, but I knew that he was exhausted from all of the extra hours he'd had to put in during the last several weeks just to keep me and Coda fed, let alone Jess and himself.

I think it is. I replied to him calmly, then glanced outside.

Hey Richard? Why don't you sell the chain link fence and dog house out there? I'm sure someone would pay decently for such a nice set up.

Richard blinked, looking outside with a raised brow.

"Oh. I guess so. I'll give the shelter a call tomorrow and ask them if I could sell it, since it was donated to them. I wouldn't want to get rid of it if they could use it."

I nodded, then added. And I do think it's an animal pregnancy. It seems to be progressing much faster than my other one.

Richard smiled at that, an obvious look of relief on his tired face. Looking back at my food, I quickly finished off the meal, then got up and scooted myself in right up against him, then sat down. His left arm came around my back right away and tugged me a little closer.

"Hey there, handsome pup." He said, nudging the side of my head with his nose. I grumbled quietly, but he knew that I didn't mind. I turned my head and licked his stubbled cheek, making his grin widen. He patted my head, then finished off his own plate of food before setting it aside and patting his lap.

Taking the hint, I hurried to settle in it, loving the petting that I received after I got comfortable. We stayed just like that for at least an hour as the kids played in their animal forms, bounding about the room with endless energy.

I wish I had that much energy. Richard thought to me as his fingers gently scratched behind my ears.

If you had that much energy, we'd be expecting a lot more boggies. I replied sleepily, but with a slight grin on my dog's muzzle. He chuckled and carefully lifted me in his arms as he stood.

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