The Vet

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(Quick chapter :3)


It was only a few days later when I'd made my decision. I had too much riding on my school work and the worse my heats got, the less I was able to concentrate. It was starting to affect me even when I was sitting in classes, so I knew there was no other option. Squeezing Richard's hand in mine, I hesitantly stepped inside of the vet's office. My stomach was twisted into knots as I signed in, then went to the chairs to wait to be called.

I think you're making the best decision, hun. It should make everything much easier on you. The kids will also be fine, my babysitter is the best I've had.

Hearing his voice in my head calmed me a little bit. We had finally established enough of a connection for us to speak through our minds, just like I had done when I'd first met his daughter.

You'll stay during the surgery, right?

I knew he would, but I needed reassurance... for the third time. When Richard nodded I gave a quiet sigh and squeezed his hand again. The receptionist walked through a back door and called my name. My heart dropped into my stomach in an instant, then began beating like crazy as it swam around in the acid.

"Come on, Sammy." Richard said quietly, tugging me out of my seat and after the woman as she led us down a short hallway. We stepped into a small room and were told to wait for the vet, who would be with us shortly. And surprisingly, he was their quite fast. In his hands were charts, likely my medical history, and a few forms I knew I'd need to sign for the procedure.

"As this isn't exactly something I've ever done, I need you to sign the forms that we talked about over the phone."

I nodded at him and walked over, taking the pen he offered before flipping through the clipboard of papers he set down on the examination table. After signing five pages I set the pen down.

"Alright, will you please get into your canine form for me? I need to do a physical exam and since the surgery will take place in your canine form, I'd like to do the exam that way."

I gave him another nod, then carefully began tugging off my clothing and handing each piece to Richard to fold and set aside. As soon as I was completely naked I shifted, feeling embarrassed until my fur sprouted and I dropped to all fours. The doctor then began to check just about everything. My teeth, mouth, legs, reflexes, heart rate, eyes, weight, and temperature with a thermometer in my mouth. No chance he was sticking that somewhere else.

With my luck I'd get aroused from just that, too.

Pulling my ears back in distaste, I sat down and waited for the man to finish writing down everything. "Well, everything looks good." He said to me, then looked over to Richard, who stood.

"I don't usually allow someone back into surgery but considering the circumstances, as long as you stay out of the way, you can come." 

Richard nodded and we soon found ourselves in the surgery suite. Nerves had my body tightening with worry, but I swallowed back any outward signs as the vet knelt down and lifted me up onto the table.

"Lie down please, Sam. I'm going to give you a quick shot, then you'll just fall asleep, okay?" The vet said as he turned and picked up a syringe that already had medicine inside. I did as told, carefully laying down on the table, then shifting onto my side. The shot was just a pinch, and with Richard holding my paw, it barely hurt.

I was out a lot faster than I thought I would be. My eyes could still see as the doctor slid a mask over my face, but I felt my whole body go numb and couldn't move. Moments later darkness took over, pulling me into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I felt a mixture of cold and shaky. My mouth was dry and I could feel sensation slowly beginning to come back to my paws, where someone was slowly rubbing my right paw.

Hey sweetheart, I'm right here. I never left.

Feeling a faint pressure against my shoulder, I looked in that direction while still keeping my head down. I just didn't have the energy to lift it. The doctor was capping another needle as he looked down at me with a small smile.

"Just a shot for pain. You did really well, Sam. Your reproductive organs were quite similar to those of a female's, but of course, you have your normal male ones, too. I removed what your body had clearly used as ovaries and made sure that everything was clean and looked good before sewing you back up. Richard was here the whole time, too."

I felt too groggy to form a coherent thought to Richard but I knew that he could tell I was trying when he responded. It's okay. Just rest, Sammy. He did really well. You'll be good as new in a few days.

I gave a quiet cry at his words, wanting to shift back but knowing that I couldn't. Not until I was healed enough for the sutures to come out. That was the main reason we'd decided to do the procedure on a Friday. I'd left school early and went back to Richard's, then we came straight to the vet.

"You've been out a little longer than my normal patients, but I did have to give you a guess-dose judging on just your canine weight. Once you are able to stand and make it clear that you're feeling okay, I can let Richard take you home."

Richard nodded for me, then the waiting game began after I was slowly lifted down onto a bunch of soft blankets laid out on the floor. Very slowly I got feeling back in my body. The pain shot was likely taking effect, making me feel drowsy while at the same time a bit sick. Knowing that if I threw up I'd likely have to stay longer, I forced myself to keep it down.

We're going to have to get Coda back on meat. Richard reminded me. He was right. Without my female-like organs, I probably wouldn't be lactating for much longer. It was a relief, but also a worry.

I still have a few extra bottles, don't worry. If we have to we'll feed him formula until he's ready to try meat again.

I grunted, making his lips stretch into a tired smile.

"Ready to start trying to get up, Sammy?"

He's grown attached to that nickname. I thought to myself as I did as he asked. It was easier said than done, however, especially because my legs were either coming in and out of being numb, or they radiated pain. It took me several attempts to finally stand, with Richard helping hold me beneath my belly.

"There you go. Just gotta make sure that you're up, then we can go home to our babies."

Remembering my Coda sitting at home with a babysitter, I forced myself to stay steady. Thankfully the vet returned from seeing one of his later scheduled patients a minute later. He looked exhausted, but when his eyes landed on me, a tired smile stretched his lips.

"Great to see you up, Sam." He said as he walked over and knelt next to me. His right hand roamed over my body quickly, watching for any abnormal reaction. The last thing he checked were my stitches, only looking though, not touching.

"Well, I would normally keep my patients for at least four or five hours after the surgery, but I have a feeling that Richard will make sure that you're comfortable and doing well. If there are any problems, please give me a call." He told Richard, who said he would and shook the man's hand.

"I'll send you the first payment for the surgery as soon as I get my check this coming Friday." Richard said with a slight frown. The vet just nodded, waving as he headed out of the surgery suite door. "That's fine. Take care of him. Minimal moving for the next few days, and if he starts licking at it, come back and get a Cone of Shame."

Rolling my eyes, I felt myself being lifted into Richard's arms as him and the vet chuckled. "Will do."

I won't need that stupid plastic cone. I thought to myself. Not realizing just how wrong I was...  

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