"We'll see. See this mirror my hands, it has the ability to take away anyone's powers and magic. This actually belonged to the original Snow Queen in fact."

"That's true, but the mirror has two sides. You take our powers away, you lose yours as well." I said, and he chuckled.

"Darling, I don't care. My main concern isn't these 7 losers, no, mine is your. I girl with no fear, nothing I can do to stop her. You can be hurt physically, but mentally and magically I can't touch you."

Then he pointed the mirror at Rapunzel, and her long hair turned brown. He continued to do this to all of us that hove powers, until there was no one left.

He opened up his hand, and there was no black sand that came out. He quickly shattered the mirror, and the pieces flew into the air, and blew away.

I knew what it was doing, it was taking away all of the people who had magic in the world. He smirked at us, and looked at me and Jack.

"So glad I had this opportunity. Now, since you didn't join me Elsa, were going to kill Punzie's baby. You have 6 hours to change your mind, if not, down goes baby cradle and all." he chuckled, then walked out of the room.

Suddenly I felt a splitting head ache go through my head, and warm liquid run out of my nose and onto the floor. I looked down and saw it was dark red.

"Elsa, are you okay?" Jack said.

I looked up at him, his eyes filled with concern, then the headache got worse. I let out a little yelp, then everything went dark.

It felt like I was watching an entire movie in my head, and it was moving so fast. Most of it contained Jack and I. When I was 19 and still in high school, that time in Russia, our first date, all of our sex sessions, my birthday, engagement, I saw all of this and more moving though my mind. Then it all stopped.

"ELSA!!!!!" I heard someone screaming.

I opened my eyes gasping in shock, and looked around. Jack had tears down his cheeks and was trying to get to me.

"Jack? Frosty?" I asked, and when I said the last part he froze, "I remember, I remember everything."

Jack's POV

Elsa passed out, with blood still running down her nose. I was panicking trying to get to her, and failing due to these damn cuffs.

"ELSA!!!!!!" I screamed over and over again, until her eyes opened and she was gasping. She looked at me, and had this shocked expression on her face.

"Jack? Frosty?" Elsa said, and I froze. That was her old nickname for me, she always called me that when I called her Snowflake.

"I remember, I remember everything." she said.

I started crying again, but this time it was tears of joy. She remembered me, she remembers us, she remembers everything.

"Not to ruin this touching moment, but they are going to kill my baby!" Punzie yelled.

"And who's damn fault is that!?" Elsa yelled back.

"Yeah, who is the father?" Anna asked, and Punzie quickly glanced to Eugene, then back to the floor.

"No!" Eugene said, and Punzie started crying.

"Guys, lets worry about this later, we have to get out, like now!" Mer said.

"How, we have no powers, and these are steel cuffs?" Hiccup asked.

"I can do this." Elsa said. She gripped the chains, then flipped herself around. She was in a crouch now, and her feet were on the wall. She started pushing harder and harder, and I saw the wall around her cuffs start to break free.

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