Chapter One

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*A/N* This is only the first draft, so just ignore (or point out, whichever) my mistakes. Some parts of the story might be confusing or boring. Sorry! XP
I'll edit it once I have time, and when I use my laptop. :D

"Bailey, hurry!" My friend, Emilia, pulled me towards a nearby bookstore.

"Why can't you just go by yourself?" She saw the new guy working at the bookstore, and now she's pulling me along to go with her.

"Because, then I will have a reason to go there today, too." She pushed the door open, and we're greeted by a blast of cool air and the musty scent of books.

"Hello again." She walked up to the casheir, and pointed at me, "My friend, Bailey, wants to take a look at some books about history. Can you tell us where they're at?"

He told me it's in a room marked "History and Geography", and the more interesting books are on the farthest shelf on the right.

Shaking my head, I leave Emilia to her flirting. Walking through the bookstore, I couldn't believe a store this size opened in a small alley.

I crouched down by the farthest shelf on the right, wanting to see if any book catches my eye, when I saw a small glimmer a little bit further down. Taking the book with the gold spine title, I could see that it's really old.

Carefully opening the cover, a light dust tickled my nose. And I sneezed.

"Ah-choo!" Rubbing my nose, I looked back down to the book, and saw a line of words I swear that wasn't there before.

Now you've opened the book... Be careful.

"What?" I said out loud, "Be careful of what?"

I felt a light breeze ruffle my hair, soon turning into a whirlwind. Books were flying everywhere, so I closed my eyes and protected my head. When I opened my eyes, my surrounding was completely different.

*A/N* Hey it's me again! Yay! The first chapter is OUT! I bet the opening was so cliche and boring. It gets better. Well, I certainly hope so XD
Keep reading~
~ PrincessxDarkness

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