Hawkeye (IMF V)

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Szczodrzykowo, Russia, May 2014
Ethan was sitting in the office of the small house, from which's master bedroom you could see the construction site just a little up the hill, the team occupied in the village. But he was not concerned with their mission right now. It was a dead end anyway. No what he was occuping hinself with currently, were the files of Operation BirdBlack. The IMF agent sighed. Apparently Hawkeye was a master marksman, deadly assassin, best archer on the planet and one of the best agents his agency - the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, talk about desperately wanting a certain acronym - had ever had. But there was nothing on him personally in these files. No clue whatsoever as to how much of William Brandt's personality was acting and how much real. Frustrating.

Szczodrzykowo, Russia, Jun 2014
"You sense it too, don't you?" Natasha asked Clint mentally once they landed just out of sight from the village. He nodded. "There's magic here." The team made their way towards the village square. There weren't many people there at this time of the day. Then they heard it and Natasha's eyebrows darted up as Clint let loose a series of curses. "You're kidding me, right?" The voice, though speaking in Russian, was unmistakably Ethan Hunt's. "Great, just great" Clint sighed in his mind, getting him a chuckle from Natasha. The team turned to Hunt. And he wasn't alone. "It's just getting better and better!" Even in his own mind the sarcasm was dripping. "You'll survive, I'm sure" Natasha mocked him. "Brandt?" The woman from Hunt's team asked surprised. Natasha's eyebrows raised even more. Even without the higher senses of a Nephilim she would have seen immediately that this woman was all over her man. "Carter", said man greeted the agent neutrally. "I thought you quit active duty? Why didn't you return my calls? And what are you wearing?" She asked eliciting a sigh from the archer. "You didn't tell them?" He asked Ethan. "Benji knows the basics, he was the one who told me about it, but Jane? Nope. That you can do by yourself." Another sigh and then Clint started: "Guys, this are Agents Jane Carter, Ethan Hunt and Benjamin Dunn from IMF. And this" he motioned over the team "are some of the Avengers and some... affiliates, friends, borthers - and sister - in-arms, whatever" Ethan and Benji nodded in greeting but Jane was devastated. "Who are you?" Natasha rolled her eyes. Pathetic she mouthed at Clint who smirked. "I'm Hawkeye. Otherwise known as Agent Clinton Francis Barton of SHIELD, the world's best archer and greatest marksman, the second best assassin..." "Birdbrain", Nat laughed.

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