Who Am I? (IMF II)

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Washington DC, Feb 2014
"Okay what is it? I quit active duty, remember?" Brandt - until Ethan knew his real name he had to stick with that - asked the IMF agent. "Yeah, it's a funny thing, really. Because you don't show up in the fucking database!" They were in a currently unused part of the museum so they would not be disturbed. "Ethan, I got literally no idea what you're talking about", Brandt said, making Hunt scoff. "According to the IMF database there is no agent William Brandt. Never was. So either you give me a real good reason for it or you tell me who the fuck you are!" The realisation that Brandt was not who he seemed to be had hit too close to home. Hunt had to trust his team, but now... Brandt sighed. "Okay" the analyst - if he'd ever really been one - then said nonchalantly. The next moment a red haired woman came around a corner and stood next to Brandt. Immediately Ethan counted at least 2 guns and 2 knives on her. Despite her casual attire. Oh shit. "Who am I? That's what you wanted to know, wasn't it Ethan?" Brandt started after giving the woman a quick kiss. "Well, who am I? Good question. Very deep. Let's start with the obvious, shall we? I'm not William Brandt." Ethan grew impatient. Slowly he readied himself. "I am many things. But an IMF agent is not really one of those." When Brandt paused again, Ethan charged at the two. He could hear the exhausted sigh Brandt released as he was thrown on his back. The next moment he found himself bound to a close cloumn. Fucking great. Brandt approached him again. "You remember that mission where we should find and neutralize the Black Widow? The one after which I quit? That's her." He nodded towards the redhead that was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. Then Brandt crouched down in front if Ethan. "It is an extraordinary stupid idea to try and take on the Black Widow." He laughed before he told Ethan: "I'm an agent of SHIELD. You can ask your superiors about us. Codename Hawkeye. Ask them for Operation BirdBlack, OpNumber SHIELD - LM24601. And now I really hope, this was all for now, so I can have a nice day with my girlfriend." With that Brandt - no Hawkeye pulled loose the rope binding Ethan's wrists and left with the redhaired woman.

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