The Village (Maximoff I)

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I usually don't do A/N's before a chapter but it is needed here because I have to point out that I chose the place simply because it's nearly unpronounceable name to anyone who has no idea of Slavic languages. I don't know anything about the real surroundings of the village. I put it into Russia but it's oruginally in Poland. Please forguve this artistic license I take with geography. And if anyone who reads this knows how to pronounce this: Please tell me.

Szczodrzykowo, Russia, Mar 2014
"What are you planning, little sister?" She smiled at the bright haired young man next to her. "Making this place home." His hand brushed a strand of her dark hair - such a strong contrast to his - from her face and lingered a moment at her temple. "You know that I would follow you until the end if the world, right? You don't have to do this." His voice was soft and gentle as he told her that. She nodded. "But this place feels right. Unless you know some remote island with this kind if climate where we can make our own rules." "You know I don't, Wanda" "I do, now see what I can do, my beloved brother" With that Wanda closed her eyes and held her hands to her sides. A red glow engulfed her hands as she shifted the reality of her surroundings.
"It is done" Her voice was filled with power as she said that but as soon as her eyes snapped open, her legs gave in. Only her brother's fast movements kept her from falling to the ground. "I got you, my sweet little sister. I got you" he muttered to her. A low whine escaped her before he picked her up and carried her down the hill.

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