Guests (Maximoff IV)

78 0 2

Szczodrzykowo, Russia, Jun 2014
Wanda was in the living room sitting on the windowsill reading. In the soft light the small tattoo on the inside of her wrist sparkled like silver. The symbol of mercury, ancient alchemical sign for quicksilver. It was a small sign that she was his. Just as his small scarlet pentagram tattoo was a sign that he was hers. An inconspicuous symbol of the connection they shared. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. They had been on their own for a long time, relying on no one but each other. It was how they worked best. A gust of wind whisked past and then he was sitting next to her. "We have guests, my love. We should say hello" his voice held only a hint of mischief. It made her laugh. "Maybe we should. Well then, we should go, shouldn't we?"
She didn't mention the drained feeling she had or how the constant use of her power after being restraint in its use for so long burned her out. She didn't want to worry him and as long as it was just a little tiredness or could be passed off as a simple headache she would do just that. Her brother scooped her in his arms and took her to the village.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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