"Sleep. For me." (Improved)

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(I deleted and then republished this because there were so many mistakes. I think I've fixed them all, and I changed the story a bit, so please do reread it if you have read it once)


I'm so sorry for not updating for ages! I've been reading so much other solangelo fanfiction that I haven't had time for my own. I'll try to update a bit more regularly. Anyway, you can thank @0_Marco_Kirstien_0 and @Rubydust for this chapter - their comments reminded me and really sped me up. THANK YOU. I really enjoy reading comments so please comment. Anyway...


When you're stuck into the infirmary for three days, there's very little to do. The only way to keep myself occupied is to watch Will, who, for some reason, is always here. I mean, he's always going off at me for not sleeping enough, but he can't be getting more than a couple of hours sleep himself. Over the past two days I've spent in the infirmary, he's fallen asleep talking to me three times. Three! That can't be healthy. He can barely stay awake when he's treating a patient, let alone when he's supposed to be restocking or tidying things up!

I've come to a conclusion. If Will doesn't get some sleep soon, he's going to end up a patient himself.
"Will, can you come over here?" I call out. He turns around to look at me and I see dark circles ringing his eyes. He needs to sleep. I watch as he stumbles over to me. He can barely even stay on his feet! When he reaches my side, I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand up, pushing him lightly so that he's sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Neeks?" He mumbles as I pull his shoes off. "What are you do-" I cut him off.
"If you don't get some rest, then you're going to end up hurting someone because you're not paying attention. Do you really want that?" He shakes his head sleepily and tries to keep his eyes open.
"But what 'bout you? You need t' rest..." He mumbles. I gently push him down onto the bed and pull the blankets up to his chin.
"Sleep. For me."
"M'kay..." I lean down and press a gentle kiss onto his forehead as his eyes flutter closed. Realizing what I've just done, a furious blush spreads across my skin. I turn around as I near footsteps behind me.
"Nico? Where's Will? And why are you up?" It's one of his sister's - I can't remember her name. I turn my head to indicate the bed behind me and put a finger to my lips. She steps around me to get a better look. Gasping, she turns to look at me.
"How'd you do it?! We've all been trying to get him to take a break for days!" I stare down at Will's peaceful face and feel a flush of pride. None of his siblings could make him rest, but I could.
"He was practically falling over, so I told him that if he didn't sleep, he was going to hurt someone. I managed to push him into my bed, which he wasn't too pleased about, and he fell asleep pretty much right away." She gazes at me with open awe and then suddenly makes a grab for my arm. Pulling me outside, she drags me to the Apollo cabin.

Opening the door, I notice that nearly every bed is occupied, either by a sleeping body or someone sitting on the bed. It looks like they were all discussing something.
"Guys!" Will's sister announces as she pushes me forward.
"Guess what Will's doing right this very moment?" She doesn't even give them a chance to respond, just keeps on going.
"Nico got Will to sleep! Can you believe it?!" Mutters fill the cabin and I shift awkwardly as everyone gazes fall on me.
"Not even we could get him to rest..." I hear someone mutter in awe and soon everyone is surrounding me, firing questions at me and congratulating me. I cower under all the attention, wanting nothing more than to lie down and sleep myself.

Raising my voice to be heard above all the others I say "Can I just go back to the infirmary? In case you hadn't noticed, I'm supposed to be resting right now." My legs collapse out from under me and I only narrowly escape a date with the floor. Someone catches me and hoists me back up, supporting me on one side as someone slips an arm under my legs and around my shoulders.
"Settle down everyone, he is still recovering." Says the girl I've dubbed Sister No. 1. "Can you take him back to the infirmary, Nick? Give him the bed by Will." The guy carrying me nods and steps outside, carrying me the short distance back to the infirmary and setting me down on the bed next to Will's.

The sheets are stiff and cold, and I shiver as he leaves though the door. My old bed was much nicer... Maybe I can just sleep next to Will...I don't think he would mind and he would be so warm... This though settles it and I swing my legs over the side of the cold bed and slip in next to Will. Sure enough, under the blankets it's nice and warm. I snuggle up into Will's side and he wrinkles his cute little nose up. Oh gods, no. I did not just think that. I did not. I can't feel this way, not now, not ever. Not after Percy broke my heart into pieces. Suddenly Will slides an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, cuddling me like a teddy bear. My heart speeds up and my cheeks flush, but I don't try to escape. A tiny flower of hope blossoms in my heart and I drift of to sleep, a tiny smile on my face.



When you wake up with your arms around a tiny body, it's kind of surprising. Looking down, I see a pair of thin arms circling my waist and the dark hair and pale skin of Nico against my side. My eyes widen as he snuggles his head into my side and butterflies erupt inside my ribs. I'm sure my face must be cherry red, but I don't want to move yet. He just looks so adorable like that! His eyelashes are resting against his cheeks and a tiny smile turns the corners of his mouth upwards. For once he's not frowning, and his face is relaxed.

His eyes start to flutter, and I know he's waking up. I decide against letting go of him, and instead cuddle him a little closer. Rubbing his eyes with both hands, he looks about 10 years old, innocent and adorable. Noticing my arms for the first time, he looks upward, and his dark brown eyes connect with my blue ones.
"Morning Sunshine," I say, a grin spreading across my face.
"Don't call me that," he mutters, still half asleep. As he wakes up more, he realises where he is. In bed with me. With my arms around him. It's obvious when he figures it out, because a crimson blush starts to steadily make it's way up his neck. In a useless attempt to hide his face and embarrassment, he buries his face in my side and scrunches his eyes shut. To put it simply, it's adorable. I tighten my arms around Nico's waist and pull him against me. Chuckling softly, I resolve not to get it until he does - my siblings can handle the other patients.

I wake up to find myself curled up with Nico in the bed, surrounded by half the Camp. Some people have pulled out cameras and are taking photos - hopefully not for blackmail purposes. Still half asleep, I slowly pull myself up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. A hush falls over the crowd gathered around us and Nico slowly opens his eyes. Sitting up slowly, he rubs his eyes and yawns, gazing around him. His bed hair sticks up in little tufts, making me want to reach out and squeeze him.
"What's going on?" he asks sleepily, leaning against my side, still half asleep. A blush starts making its way up my neck, tinting my cheeks pink.
I don't reply, and instead say "Mornin' sunshine," kiss his cheek and dash out the door as squeals can be heard coming from the crowd of campers. I risk one glance back and see a bright red Nico staring back at me from the bed as I sprint away. Feeling daring, I wink back at him, smirking as his face gets even redder, if that's even possible. He's adorable, I think.

I really hope this was good enough for you guys. I hope you enjoyed reading it! I'll try to update soon.

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