The Arrival

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It was still dark in the Night Court and the moonlight reflected off the water below Feyre. She looked out over cliff, gaping at the expanse of black ocean that surrounded the court. Everything was dark and yet, it was not frightening. The darkness seemed to enhance the minimal light coming from the moon, making it even more bright and alive. Alive and cold.

Feyre's hair ripped around her as the chilling wind rolled up the cliff and slammed into her. She folded her arms across her chest and held them with her hands, trying to keep in the little warmth she had. She glanced up at Rhysand who was standing a few paces away from her, staring at his distant kingdom. Feyre followed his gaze and saw a brightly lit village laying before a massive, onyx palace. 

Rhysand's palace, Feyre realized. She looked away from the dark palace, focusing on the village. Each street was lined with light posts, burning bright through the shadows of the Night Court. The homes and shops were bustling with people, even at this hour in the night. 

Rhysand's court was breath taking, somehow even more beautiful than the Spring Court. 

Feyre stepped away from the edge of the cliff she was standing on and walked toward Rhysand. He didn't turn to look at her as he began to speak.

"You will obey what I say Feyre, just as the rest of my court does." His voice was sharp and Feyre remembered just how dangerous he was. 

She didn't say anything to him but she began to walk away from the cliff, down the steep hill that led to a dirt path. Far away, the path turned into stone as it led into the village. It would take forever to reach that stone path. 

Rhysand was quiet as a breeze and he was suddenly behind Feyre, pulling her hand back into his chest. Feyre looked at him just as he pressed her palm onto his heart. Shadows appeared at the edges of her vision and moved in to blind her. Feyre tried to pull her hand back from Rhysand but he held her firmly and she was unable to get away.

As quickly as the shadows had formed, they disappeared in a matter of seconds. Feyre's vision unclouded and she saw that she was now standing on the stone path. 

Rhysand stood in front of her, chuckling at her bewildered expression. 

"Why, why can't you warn me before you do that." Feyre hissed at him. 

"I like to see you surprised." He chuckled. She shook her head at him and turned away quickly, walking into the village. Feyre could still hear Rhysand laughing as he began to walk behind her. She ignored him and focused on the haunting, yet elegant village. 

Before Feyre could wander into the shops, Rhysand's hand was on her back. He steered her away from the buildings and the Fae who occupied the village. Feyre looked around her at the stunning Fae, each with alluring, dark eyes. They glanced at Feyre but averted their eyes away quickly. 

The Fae seemed to drift away from the stone path, going into their homes and stores as Feyre and Rhysand passed. Soon, they were the only ones who were left on the path. 

"Why did they leave?" Feyre whispered. 

"They are not interested in the things that come from other courts." Ryhsand said sternly. 

The Night Fae don't want you here, that's what Rhysand meant. Feyre was not affected by this, she would be gone in a week anyway.

And then back again in a month.

She sighed and kept walking the stone path. Rhysand and Feyre were close to the palace now and Feyre could see the detail etched into each stone that made up the massive building.

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