The Collecting

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Feyre was running barefoot through a dense,  darkened forest. The air around her was icy as it cut into her throat and lungs, creating a painful burning sensation. She didn't stop as she pushed her legs further, fear coursing through her. Even as she heard  the crashing footsteps behind her and she knew he was close, she didn't stop.

She didn't stop until a strong hand grabbed her around the waist, swinging her back and into a hard wall of muscle. Feyre struggled against the arms twisted around her and was unable to liberate herself from the iron grip. She felt a cool breath on her neck, caressing her skin, and a soft mouth lean down to her ear.

"Come with me, Feyre." Rhysand whispered.


Feyre awoke with a gasp, sitting up so fast, the air was knocked out of her lungs. Her breath was uneven and ragged as she brought her knees up to her chest, holding them tightly to her body.

It was a dream, she thought. Just a dream.

As if in response to her thoughts, a swift, chilling gust of wind suddenly blew the candle on her nightstand out. It left a trail of black smoke in it's wake. Feyre looked around the dark bedroom for the source of wind but all windows were closed. Feyre turned her head back to the smoke just as it began to slither its way to her, curling around her inked arm and finally settling on the eye edged into her palm.

Rhysand. He was here, ready to collect Feyre and bring her to his court. Her heart sank and she tentatively got out of bed, crossing the room to the large window that overlooked Tamlin's gardens. Beyond the lush green lands of the Spring Court, there was the forest. She could barley see it but it was there, like a dark wall in the distance.

He was there, hidden in the shadows of the forest. Waiting. With a deep breath, Feyre turned away from the window and left her room. The hallway was hauntingly silent as she made her way to the staircase that led to the main floor of Tamlin's beautiful home. As she descended the steps, a strangled voice rang out behind her. The voice cut through the silence and startled Feyre so much that she almost lost her balance.

"Feyre, wait." Tamlin stood a few feet away from the stairs, apparently he knew Rhysand was here too. His pained expression made Feyre's heart ache and she motioned for him to come to her. He reached her in a matter of seconds, taking her into his arms and holding her to his chest tightly.

"You were just going to leave?" He asked.

"I thought it would be better for you." And me, she thought. Tamlin let her go and stepped back, taking her hands in his own and staring at Rhysand's tattoo on her arm.

"No," he whispered, "it would not have been better." He looked down at her again. "Feyre, if I could, I would stop this. I'm so sorry that this happened. He shouldn't have done this to you."

"Tamlin," Feyre said, reaching a hand up to touch his cheek, "I did it for you."

"I know." He replied quietly and he lifted her hand up to his lips, kissing it and then letting it fall between them.

"I'll be back, Tamlin." Feyre turned away from him, tears pooling in her eyes, and stepped down the remaining stairs. Leaving the house and Tamlin.


Feyre stepped out into the gardens, inhaling the sweet scent of Tamlin's flowers. She advanced onto the stone path that wove its way around the blossoms and as she did, a warm breeze swept through her brassy hair. Feyre shuffled around the garden, lighting running her fingers on the soft petals of the roses.

"I'll be home soon." She whispered to them and as if in response, the roses waved lighting in the gentle breeze. Feyre turned away from the flowers and walked out of the garden. She did not look back at the house, knowing that if she did, she wouldn't be able to cross the wide expanse of grass to the forest.

She started to walk and each step made her stomach churn with fear as she imagined who was waiting for her the darkness of the trees. She knew Rhysand was watching her, he was always watching her.

A long while passed until Feyre reached the edge of the tree line. She hesitated before entering the thick forest, her heart beat furiously in her chest. Clenching her fists, she stepped into the forest and the night was suddenly was blacker than before.

Feyre walked through the forest, going deeper and deeper into the trees. Shadows danced across her vision and twigs snapped under her feet, making her jump back in fear. She kept walking until she heard quiet footsteps behind her.

"Rhysand." She breathed and she knew he was there. She could feel his dark presence as it came closer and closer to her until she felt a cool hand griping her waist. She turned around in his grasp, her eyes resting on Rhysand's midnight blue tunic.

"Hello Feyre." His voice wove it's way into her bones, chilling them and making her shiver. He smiled, tightening his grip on her waist and leaned in close to her.

"I've missed you." He whispered. Feyre's heart beat loudly in her chest and she was unable to calm it. Rhysand must have heard it, with his heightened fae senses, he grinned and took a small step back.

Feyre loosened a breath, still unable to quiet her heart. It beat like a storm in her chest and it shook her body. She swallowed, unable to look at Rhysand's eyes, the eyes that she couldn't paint because they were just too perfect. Feyre ached to look at those eyes. 

"What now?" She asked, knowing it was a stupid question, but what else could she say? Rhysand chuckled and picked up her inked arm, running his finger along the curling black designs.

"Now, we go the Night Court." His deep voice slid along her skin and made her heart beat even faster. Rhysand brought Feyre's palm up to his chest, resting the black eye over his heart and wrapped his other arm around her. He pulled Feyre into his chest and held her tightly against himself. Before she could escape, a wave a darkness surrounded them, swallowing Feyre up and blocking out her vision.

She felt the warm air from the Spring Court transform into a frigid, gusting wind that pounded into her pores and made her cling to Rhysand, desperate for warmth. Feyre was blind, she couldn't see anything as the wind whipped around her violently.

Finally, the wind died down but the air was still numbing.

"Feyre, open your eyes." Rhysand was still holding her and her head was resting against his solid chest. She stepped back quickly and forced her frozen eyelids to open.

They were standing on the edge of a cliff, massive waves crashing against the rock below them. Feyre jumped away from the edge and shot a glare at Rhysand. He grinned back, power rolling off of him. He turned away from her and the cliff's drop off, gazing at something in the distance. Feyre followed his stare and realized what he was looking at.

There, far away from where they stood, was a vast kingdom. Even from the cliff, Feyre could see it teeming with life and mystery. Feyre's fear returned as she took in Rhysand's home.

The Night Court.


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