I was about to say something in shock, when Elsa walked in the door carrying all of these little pink fruits.

"Hey Punz, morning sickness?"

"No, just pain." Punzie said.

Elsa sat the fruit down in a wooden bowl, then walked over to Punzie and placed her hands on her stomach gently.

"What types of pain?"

"Cramping pain." Punzie said.

"That's completely normal to have in early pregnancy. The cramping feeling is just the uterus growing." Elsa said.

"Wait! You knew!?!"

"I actually knew before Punzie." Elsa chuckled, "Seriously, she is showing all of the biological signs for it. Stop having your head so far up your ass and pay attention to the little things." she said.

And I'm assuming she didn't remember a thing.

Elsa handed her a banana and said the potassium would help some.

"How do you know so much about this stuff?" Punzie asked while eating the banana.

"I want a little one too." Elsa said, "Sadly I lost the name of the sperm donor, and I can't remember his name for the life of me."

I felt pained, and I really wanted to say something. I knew though if I did she wouldn't believe me.

I sighed and Punzie looked at me sadly, then winced in pain again.

"You have to remember to eat healthy. You are going to start having cravings, but if it is junk food, stay away."

"Elsa, I'm scared. What do I do in battle with a baby?" Punzie asked.

"Are you really asking for my advise, cause I don't think I'd be a good source."

"What would you do?" Punzie asked again.

"I would keep fighting. If you lose your baby, that is one life lost. If you stop fighting and let the Nightmares keep doing what they do, then there are 100's of lives lost." Elsa said, "You have to think of the grand scheme of things here."

"So you are saying just let my baby die!" Punzie yelled.

"No, I'm saying don't give up! You signed up for a job, then you went and had unprotected sex! You know the consequences of doing that just as much as everyone else. You don't back out of a job because of stupidity, and let others pay the price. That is selfish and immoral!" Elsa yelled back and Punzie started crying.

"And the mood swings begin." Elsa said rolling her eyes, "This is why I don't sign up for shit before I do something stupid. Does Eugene even know?!"


"God, if only your wits matched your face." she said rolling her eyes at me.

"No, he doesn't know. I'm not going to tell him either. He always says he doesn't want kids, and he likes to keep his options open." Punzie said and Elsa busted out laughing.

"You knew all of this, and you still had unprotected sex. God, this is making my day! You basically just fucked your entire life up!"  she said laughing, "You think he isn't going to know either. He is very observant, and even if he doesn't notice the little things, he is going to notice a bump as big as a watermelon under your skin tight spy suit!"

Then Punzie started crying harder, making Elsa smile

"Just think, since our jet blew up we have no idea how to contact the agency and get back. You could have to give birth here, and then without proper care you could die....... or the baby could."

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