Chapter One

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Chapter One

(Ochihabune begins)

The party was in full swing as everyone ordered more sake.

The Great 4th Shinobi War was finally over.

Konoha's villagers were opening bottles after bottles of sake, extra happy that a huge part of the war was won because of two of their shinobis.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.

The story here is mainly about Naruto Uzumaki.

Sasuke may be the last Uchiha on earth but he was taking it easy with the partying as he's not really into social events. Very soon, he left the party and Naruto was trying to drown himself in sorrow as he gulped down 3 bottles of sake...

His reason for drinking wasn't really about being in the festive mood..

He thought after killing Pain and Madara, he will be able to get over the loss of Jiraiya, who was his mentor, and not meeting his parents again...

He got to meet his parents though. Technically their spirits, which were sealed by Madara. He managed to release them and had a small conversation with his parents before their time was up...

He never knew how much he actually desired to feel what love is until he met his parents' spirits. Doesn't matter parental love or sexual love, he just needed love...

He thought that he should lose his virginity tonight but to whom?

Sakura? No, as much as he crush on the girl, Sasuke will kill him... And Naruto decided, it was just a crush..

Ino? Sai will hunt him down too as he always notice Sai will flirt incessantly with the girl, making her blush all the time whenever he opens his mouth.

Tenten? Nah, not his type...

He thought hard about the girls then he decided to try and tackle Sakura. He was under the influence of alcohol and wasn't thinking straight when he looked around the room for her...

She was laughing with her usual gang and Naruto smirked as he made his way towards her when he bumped into a petite light blonde haired girl.

"Oh sorry!" she apologised and when she looked up at him, he saw that her eyes were a unique dark purple colour with kaleidoscope patterns in it.

"Naruto? Is that you?" she asked as she hugged him excitedly. "I've been looking all over for you!"

Naruto sobered up a bit as he tried to remember the stranger before him but nothing came to mind.

"I'm sorry who are you again?" he asked and the girl giggled as she beat his chest in a flirty way.

"Shion! The priestess you saved from the demon, Moryo, remember???" she replied and Naruto blinked his eyes a few times before he remembered.

"Oh, oh. OH YEA!!" he exclaimed as he hugged her back before pulling her to face him. "What are you doing here?"

She blushed sheepishly as she tiptoed to whisper something in his ear but was interrupted by Sakura.

"Ahem!" Sakura coughed and Shion glared at her.

"Well if it isn't Sakura-san, where is Sasuke? Left you again?" she sneered and Sakura frowned as she clenched her fist.

"Uh-oh, not good..." Naruto thought to himself.

"Shion, I believe our work with you was done. What are you doing here?" Sakura asked fiercely and Shion smiled.

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