Secrets of the Forest

Start from the beginning

Then I ran off and found some grapes, then came back.

"Find any bugs in that hair?" I chuckled setting the grapes down and holding one of the baby apes like a child.

"Nope, but she is determined." Jack said. I laughed when the other baby ape jumped on my back and started climbing on me.

As fun as this was, after a couple of hours they left.

I picked up the grapes from the ground, then stood up.

"Jack, come on trees." I said. He chuckled and got up, and we climbed the trees until we were really high up. I let out this loud shriek, and a bunch of toocans flew towards us. I handed Jack some grapes, and we fed the birds. They have amazing reflexes and can catch a grape tossed at it every time.

I somehow managed to understand and connect better with animals than people. I guess in a way I am like an animal.

When we ran out of fruit I started running tree to tree just looking at the ground below. I heard Jack laugh from behind me.

"What's so funny?" I called while jumping to the next tree branch.

"Nothing, just never thought you would have a soft spot for animals, and actually be fun." he said.

I stopped running and looked at him, "I'm more like an animal. I don't lie, get coughed up in drama, or get attached to people. With animals there are no rules in regulations of what you can do or can't, you just be yourself and say what you want. I focus on survival and the next generation, no more, no less. I understand them better than people." I said, then I saw something new below....... it was a skeleton in this large stone dome. I hung upside down on the branch to have a closer look, and it looked hundreds of years old.

"Interesting, so there were once people on this island." I mumbled to myself. I flipped myself back up to see Jack a couple branches below me looking at sloths with wonder. Then I saw something above him....... a white leopard ready to pounce!

"Jack!" I yelled, then jumped on top of the leopard before it could pounce on him, and both of us fell into the dome.

"ELSA!!!!" he screamed.

I slowly stood up and grabbed my knife.

"Listen buddy, I mean you no harm. Now we can both just walk away, or we can do this the hard way." I said gently and it hissed at me, "So you wanna do this the hard way? Good, cause I love the hard way." I said, then took a stance waiting for it. It pounced at me but I quickly dodged, and sprinted towards the walls. I tried to get out of them, but they were too high.

Now I know how this guy died in here.

Then a vine appeared in front of me.

"Grab it!" Jack yelled.

The leopard was about to pounce, so I jump kicked it in the chest. It's claws scraped my arms, but it was nothing serious. I grabbed the vine before I fell to the ground, and got stunned for a few seconds. Jack quickly pulled me up to the tree, and looked at me.

"Your hurt." he said.

"I'm fine, but we have to go now!" I said.

"Why?" Then the leopard jumped out of the dome and started climbing.

Sometimes I'm jealous of how high they can leap in the air.

"That's why!" I said, then grabbed his arm and dragged him along going tree to tree, with the leopard right behind us.

"Jack, throw me in the air!" I said then jumped. He used his arms to push me in the air, and I hurled my knife at the leopard. It sunk into its shoulder blade, and knocked the leopard out of the tree onto the ground.

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