Male 5: Rechoe Murray

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Name: Rechoe Murray

Age: 16

Looks: Rechoe's golden-brown hair dulls in contrast to his complex green eyes, giving him a rushed and confused look. His height of 5'9" is perfect for him, and the bridge of his nose is completely perpendicular to his slim mouth. His ears stick out a little, so he grows his hair out long enough to cover them. His hands are freshly calloused, due to most of his training relating to throwing or grabbing in some way.

Godly Parent: Hermes

Powers: Rechoe is nimble and quick, the typical traits of Hermes' children. With a godlygift of directions and speed, he completes tasks quicker than other demigods. Rechoe naturally excels in athletics, and also business. He can be extremely diplomatic, convincing people to do what he wants. In desperate situations, Rechoe uses his thievery skill, yet he has been caught many times before.

Personality: Rechoe is spritely and bright, and appears youthful. He has many child-like tendencies, ranging from the desire of naptime to requiring dinner, without vegetables. Although Rechoe can be mature, he chooses not to be, indulging in wits and entertainment. He prefers laughter over cries, which Camp Half-Blood has taught him to suppress. Sometimes, pain is necessary, but Rechoe wants to diminish that need. He hates war at his core, never getting along well with the children of Ares or Athena.

Brief Background: Rechoe's mother tried too hard to fill the role of a perfect mother, never understanding that she was enough. Her job didn't pay well, and this showed with their living situation. They slept on friends' couches and even the streets, always struggling to pay for meals. Hermes wasn't a huge help, for he frowned upon how irresponsible they supposedly were. He went two years without a bed, until Camp Half-Blood.

Years Spent at Camp Half-Blood: 3

Strengths: He can control his temper, always approaching situations with a clear mind. Aside from his powers, he really does enjoy the athletic portion of his work. He makes friends and allies easily because they love his joking demeanor, and Rechoe's ears hear very well. So well, in fact, that he thanks Hermes for them.

Weaknesses: He tries too hard to impress, rather than letting his normal self shine. He has little to no common sense and a hard time understanding some concepts. Puzzles and equations stump him; he's a man of action. He trusts too easily, because of how trustworthy he, himself, is.

Weapon of Choice: Usually, he fights without a weapon, but he has perfect aim with spears and javelins.

Tribute Token: He stole a smooth stone from the front yard of his last home, before they were evicted.


Author Games: A Heroes' ChargeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora