Male 4: Russell Lux Martinez

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Name: Russell Lux Martinez

Age: 17


Russell is downright hot. From his tangled beach blonde hair to perfectly tanned skin and sharp green eyes. Perfectly sculpted face and rock hard abs. His strong hands and athletic body adds to that. He stands tall, at 6'1 and towers over many of his friends.

Godly Parent:

Is it not obvious? Aphrodite.


Charm speak. Not much, but can really come in handy.


Playboy, complete playboy and there is no denying it. He jumps from girl to girl, playing with there emotions, then just leaves them. Everyone knows he's bad, but not many can resist his powerful charm speak. Of course, everyone has there good side. He values his family and friends above everything, and will often play cupid for his friends, though it does not often work. He is the kind that becomes irrational and would jump in front of a bullet for his friends.

Scars never really do heal though...

Brief background:

Russell of course grew up with only with his father, and his twin sister Sophia. He and his twin sister are the best of friends and completely inseparable. His dad is and entrepreneur and when they were small, they were a very poor yet close, tight family. Now, as his dad got more and more wealthy, he started ignoring the twins, he didn't give them the attention they needed, he just bought them things. In the end, the twins felt like their father abandoned them, and when the satyr came to get them for camp half-blood, he almost didn't care. He just told them to pack up, call him every week, and waved them off. He absolutely despises his dad now, and swears that he will protect his sister from him at all costs.

Years Spent At Camp Half-Blood: 5 (year rounder)


Obviously, he makes many girls swoon, and he can be extremely charming when he wants to be. He is also very persuasive, even without charm speak. He also is quite athletic and strong in combat. Russell, though always the playboy, does have the intelligence and the wits to back him up.


Russell can become very illogical and irrational when it comes to family and friends. He will protect them at all costs. He thinks he failed that person if he ever let them get hurt. One thing he is extremely sensitive to is ugly things, not as in in a person, but things like cockroaches and vomit gross him out greatly. He is a bit too sensitive about cleanliness.

Weapon of Choice:

A dagger, because he likes being right in someone's face.

Tribute Token:

A small colourful plastic bracelet. The one thing that reminds him of his dad when he was still caring and loving. Since he received it on his fifth birthday.


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