I laugh lightly, saying, "See you, Niall."

"Bye," he says, stepping out of the house and into the cold winter air. He gives me a small wave, and I wave back, before closing the door and sighing.

I shriek when two arms appear on either side of me, trapping me against the door. I spin around to find Harry smirking slightly with both his hands leaned on the door so I can't go anywhere.

"Megan," he says, "Please can we just... can we try and work through this? All relationships have bumps in the roads, right? I don't want to lose you, please. I'm sorry."

I sigh, looking down at my feet before looking into his green eyes, remembering how upset I felt when he stormed out earlier, "Harry -"

"Please," he begs.

"Okay," I simply say, after much thought and silence, causing his eyes to light up.

"You'll stay with me?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah, but you have to promise me some things," I say.

"Of course! What are the things?" He asks me happily.

"Number one, you can't fight with Niall anymore. He doesn't any harm, he really doesn't. Oh, and don't freak out if me and Niall hang out together, please. I wouldn't cheat on you, just like you wouldn't cheat on me," I say with a small smile, but he glances away for a second, his eyes widening slightly, before he gives a small nod, "and number two, you can't keep things away from me anymore. It's annoying having to spend all the time worrying about the possibilities of what you could be keeping from me. Like, that thing that you wouldn't tell me when you were crying."

"Uh, yeah. That." He scratches the back of his neck.

I nod, gesturing for him to continue.

"That's, erm, nothing. It doesn't matter anymore, right? Because I apologized?" He asks.

"Um, well... Harry, I just don't understand why you wo-" I get cut off, as he takes me by surprise and kisses me again.

When he pulls away, he says, "It doesn't matter anymore. Right?"

"Uh...." I let out a sigh, understanding the fact that he just won't tell me, "right."


I wake up and shuffle around in my bed, moving my arm and letting it fall beside me, where it would usually hit Harry's face, but just falls onto the bed. I open my eyes, and look around me to find myself in my room alone.

I rub my eyes and look at the clock to see it is ten o' clock in the morning and as I start to walk downstairs and wake up properly, it hits me that it's my nineteenth birthday.

I sigh to myself, thinking that I'm actually nineteen now. For some reason, I get really emotional, thinking that I'm actually nineteen, and to me, that is old. I know it's stupid, but I just think of it like that. I'm not a kid anymore.

I walk into the kitchen, getting a box of cereal to have for breakfast and start to walk over to the island of the kitchen with the box in hand, before several figures suddenly pop up from a variation of places in the kitchen, making me shriek and accidentally drop the box on the floor, cereal spilling out of it.

"Happy birthday, Megan!"

I focus on each of the figures to see Harry, Niall, Lottie, Delilah, my mom, CeCe, and Louis each standing in their own spot with a grin on their face.

"Oh my god, guys!" I exclaim, "Hi! Oh my god."

I run over to CeCe and give her a hug, saying, "CeCe, I haven't seen you in so long."

"I know, it's been too long," she agrees, pulling away, before I run over to Louis and hug him as well.

"Oh my god, Louis! It's been way too long, oh my god." I say in the hug, and he laughs.

"Stop, you're acting like a fan," he jokes, pulling away.

"Sorry. Oh my god. I've missed you and your sense of humour, god, how have I survived this time. That's not gonna happen again, okay? We have to keep in contact." I say with a small laugh.

Harry clears his throat, and I look around to see him smiling and holding his arms out for a hug. I send him a smile and go over to his arms, as he wraps his arms around me. I start to get really emotional (again), because it was like a little reunion with everyone. Well, apart from Zayn, Liam, and Erica.

I pull away from the hug, and he gives me a peck on the lips, before I go over to hug Lottie, then my mom, then Delilah, then Niall, before looking at the group with a grin on my face, "Hi guys. Oh my god, you shouldn't have all come. Oh my god."

"You keep saying oh my god!" CeCe laughs.

"Sorry! Oh my god." I say, before face-palming because I have said it again, and everyone laughs at me, "Oh my god." I accidentally say again, causing everyone to laugh even more.

"Okay, I need to stop saying... that," I say with a small laugh. "But seriously, you guys shouldn't have all come. Oh gosh, I love you guys so much, okay?"

"Well, I love you too," Harry says, nodding his head slightly with a cute smile.

"Me too!" Delilah exclaims.

A chorus of 'me too's and 'same here's chorus the room, and I feel my eyes start to well up with tears.

I really love these guys.

Then one last person quietly says 'I love you too'.



A/N: hallo

ive updated 3 days in a row woooo. omfg i was trying to write this all day i had such bad writers block with this chapter.

dedicated to sofie aka readingisloving bc she is my baby and i love her. ha. but she's perfection check out her stories ok and she's hoking (u wont understand unless ur her lol)

soooo, do you think we can update 4 days in a row? once again, if this chapter gets a good amount of votes and comments, ill update tomorrow (or at least, try my best to.)

but guys, you're all perfect, and i love you. oh and if you're on kik, message me? i'd love to talk to any of you, so if you send me a simple 'hi', ill be like HELLO HI ILY WHO ARE YOU. lol, yeah. but my kik is lisawuzhere. so seriously message me because i love you.

who do you shipppp? you can even just comment a simple 'nigan' or 'megarry' and ill be like HELL YEAH I GOT ANOTHER COMMENT. lololol :)

OH, and if you're like 'um ok what? Megan and Harry are fighting in one chapter then they're okay the next, then they're broken up in the next, then they're together again in the next? what?' i realise that, the point is that their relationship is going downhill, and is one big mess. :)

so this was a long authors note, lol. thanks so much for reading, please vote and comment, i love you.

Lisa :)

p.s theres a huge fying bug right beside me HELP

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