"There's nothing for us to talk about. You made your decision just like I made mine and then you decide to go sleep with my friend!" Candice cried.

"What?" Derrick snapped.

"Babe," Angel continued to pull on his arm as he stepped forward to charge at Sean, "let them handle this." She said.

"Can we just talk about this please?" Sean begged. "There are just some things that you need to know." He said.

"Like what?" Candice yelled.

Angel heard nothing but silence for a moment. She knew that Alex and Mya were hearing what was going on in the hallway and was embarrassed. Dragging Derrick away from his yelling sister and her child's father, she saw Drew and Jordan walk into the house. 

"What's going on?" Drew asked, trying to figure out who's yelling. He saw the look on his brother's face and frowned. "What's wrong with you?" he asked his brother.

"Sean is here." ANgel answered. "But," she emphasized to stop the trouble before it started, "he's talking to Candy right now, so just give them a minute."

"That's not what fucking happened!" Everyone heard Sean yell. 

Drew ran to charge Sean up. "Who the hell are you yelling at like that?" He asked. "You don't talk to my sister like that." Drew got in Sean's face. 

"Drew," Candice tugged his shirt to get him out the way, but he wouldn't move.

"You don't get in my face like that." Sean stood firm.

"Look at you, standing to me like a man." Drew smirked. "Too bad you're not a man."

Sean pushed Drew away from him and Derrick suddenly appeared and pushed Sean.

"Stop!" Candice yelled.

Alex appeared, and she stood in front of Drew. 

"Al, move." He demanded. 

"No," she placed her hands on his abdomen and pushed him back, although he was resisting, he still allowed her to get him away. She took him out to the back yard to let him cool off. 

Glaring at Sean, Derrick didn't move. He had Angel in his ear, trying to calm him down, but his eyes still see Sean. For a second he tuned Angel out. "You can get the fuck out of my house now before you catch a ass whoopin'" He said, breathing a bit hard. "Candy, your child may have to grow up without a father if he don't be smart and leave."

Candice wiped the last of her tears and stormed out the house and Sean followed her outside to the front.

Derrick walked down the hallway and Angel followed him. Mya and Jordan, quietly stood afar but close enough to see what was going on. When everyone left they were standing by each other, passing looks. 

"So, does this mean it's oveR?" She asked. "I mean, we haven't eaten yet and I'm hungry." She said softly, to where only he could hear her. 

He chuckled lightly. "Babe, just go get you something." He said. 

"I don't want to be rude."

He couldn't help but laugh at his wife. 

Outside, Candice was ready to drive away as Sean was talking to her. 

"So, you're saying that I'm the one that drove you to cheat on me?" She asked. "It's my fault that you slept with my friend?" She questioned.

"No, it was in the moment and I was drinking. We both were drinking."

"But you cheated." She said. 

"We had just broken up."

"Oh, I guess that gave you a pass to sleep with my friend?"

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