Chapter 15: Meeting "Her"

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"You need to eat! Your hurting yourself!" Joe says to me, setting down a plate of spaghetti (undertale reference). Recently I've been talking to Tofuu, since bayani had to leave last night, and Joe said that he was going to watch me and make sure I didn't hurt myself. He's been really nice and has been a great friend but I'm a failer, I can't do anything right.

"I'm not hungry..." I mumble, blowing a stray strand of hair that has fallen out of my messy bun.

"I do not accept that answer. (y/n), you are hurting your body, making it weak. I know you're in a bad time but I don't want to see you starve yourself too death. What do you think your viewers would do? They're worried enough with you not posting a video since forever. You are their light, and they need you to keep shining bright." Joe says not looking away from my eyes, not even for a second.

"Okay..." I pick up fork and slowly eat.

Tofuu smilies, "Now here's a start of you getting better. Now, we are going outside to get you new clothes, for a fresh start."My eyes widen, I look up at him quickly while a noodle was handing out of my mouth. I shake my head quickly. Joe ruffles my hair, "Get changed once you're done, we're going whether or not you want to." I groan.

He chuckles and disappears into another room.

I was unconsciously eating the warm spaghetti, lost in my thoughts.

Man, Joe can be so stubborn at times...

Before I know it, my vision was completely gone and there was a lot of weight on my head. I started to panic looking back and forth quickly in the darkness. My hands in the air searching for something solid to hold on to. There was a laugh coming from in front of me and then a pair of hands grabs mine.

"Calm down, you're like a lost puppy. I just put your coat on top of your head." The hand that was on my right one let go and pulled the fabric off my head. From there I was met with a smiling face. Joe completely let's go of my hands and goes offer to the couch, where there was a pile of folded clothes. Tohfuu picked them up and handed them to me. "Change." He orders, not wanting a response.

I grab the clothes and go to my room. Before changing into them I looked at what they were. (Picture up top ^^) I sighed and shook my head. I was not looking forward in wearing a skirt, I don't care even If there are leggings underneath. I decided to not think about it and change into the outfit. Once finished, I looked at my reflection for a long time.

I've lost so much weight... I'm only skin and bones. Of course rushed would cheat on-

I shake my bead to get rid of the thought. Now is not the time to be thinking about that, its a new day, I'm having a fresh start. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest, causing my hands to fly to my chest, where my heart was, to cover it as if that would help any. I look down and my eyes flutter close. I can't believe I still miss him... Miss him so much. His goofy smile, his voice, his stupid jokes. I giggle just think about what he would of said if he saw me eating the spaghetti and having sause all over my face.

My eyes widen. (Y/n), stop. He doesn't love you or care about you anymore. You need to forget about him and move on.

That was the problem... I couldn't move on.

Opening the door I walk out into the living room where Joe was sitting on the couch on his phone, completely dressed.

"J-joe... I think this is a little too much to wear..." I mumble, motioning toward my outfit. I would surely stand out in a crowd.

He stands up and walks toward me, shaking his head. "Not at all! You look like, well, you !" He says with a smile, "C'mon now, let's get going." He grabs my wrist and leads me outside and to his car, in which we went into and we drove in a peaceful silence.

Soon we reached our destination. Joe had quickly gotten out of the car and went to open my car down. I smiled as a thank you and looked around. There were christmas lights out and on trees while people were walking down the sidewalk with bags in their hands or a loved one by their side. The only thing this scene was missing was pure white snow falling down from the clouds.

"Look who's smiling, or should I say, grinning." Joe says from behind me. I spin on my heels and punch his shoulder, "Wow, that was a sad punch. You're weaker than I thought, (y/n)." I looked down from his eyes to the ground underneath my feet. This caused joe to change his mood to cheerful once again, "Now, what store shall we go into first?!"

After shopping for about an hour or two, we were on our way back to Joe's car which was on the other side of town. I have to admit that though, I had a wonderful time. Joe had even put on high heels! We were talking about my niece's second birthday she's about to have (congrats! You're an auntie! I've always secretly wanted to be an aunt) when we had ran into a girl about three inches taller than me with bright red hair (remember you can change it if ya want!!) My (e/c) orbs had met with her brown ones and her piercing glare had made my heart beat a hundred times faster from fear.

"Oh crap!" Joe says loudly, causing me to look away from her and at him.


"I left the car keys at the other store! Just... Um..." He looks around, "Just stay here and I'll be right back!"

"Okay..." Before I could even finish the last syllable he was already running the other direction. I sighed when someone had tapped my shoulder from behind me. I froze before they had turn me around. I was face to face with the red haired girl.

"What are you doing here. Aren't you supposed to be curled up under a blanket somewhere, crying your eyes out? Or better yet, having a gun on your temple. Listen here and listen good, rusher hates you be wouldn't care if anything happened to you. You're simply a waste of space to him, a puppet. He doesn't like puny little girls like you. So fuck off."

I couldnt move, I had wanted to kick or punch her so much but for some reason I couldnt. Once she let go of me I had lost control on my body and i had ran away to Joe's car. Sitting by the tire with tears dripping g down my face.

Fuck her.

Psssssssssssst guess what???? ONLY 3 CHAPTERS LEFT!!!! WOOOO

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