Chapter 14: Rumors

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"Shit!" I yell as I throw the half wrapped present across the room, "Why do I even need to wrap it?! Why can I just hand it to him as it is!" I bring my knees to my chest. Jordan places his hand on my shoulder and sighs, before walking in front of me to get the gift I bought for my boyfriend.

He walks back to me and sits in front of me. He holds the gift as he looks at me with a determined look in his eyes. Slowly, I take it from him. "Wrapping a gift makes it look better, than just handing it to them plain. Its also gives suspence to the person opening it. I know wrapping can be hard at first but I can help you. Okay, (y/n)?"

I nod, looking down at the gift. "Okay, Onii-Chan."

Jordan shows me how to fold the wrapping first, then he let me try on my own as he gets the tape from the kitchen.

"I DID IT!" I cheer as I jump up. I hear clapping from behind me, I jump and spin around.

"Let's tape it quick then before you have to fold it again." I held the small blue wrapped box as Jordan taped it closed. "There ya go."

"Yay!!!!!" I say, spinning in a circle, bayani just chuckles to himself.

"We can give it to him first thing tomorrow."

I stop in my tracks, "T-Tomorrow??!!" He slowly nods, "No, no, no! We have to do it tomorrow! His birthday is today! We have to give it to him today!"

Bayani sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Okay,but can we do it when people are actually awake? Its three in the morning!"

I look up at the clock and scratch the back of my neck, "ha... Ha... I guess it is..."

Jordan turn and leaves my room to go to the guest bedroom. I sigh before falling onto my bed. I hug the small box close to my chest, "I hope he likes it..." I mumble to no one inperticular.

I feel the bed softly vibrate and I look over to see my phone vibrating, to let me know someone posted something. I roll across the bed to reach my phone. I grab it before unlocking it to see that someone tagged Braden on Instagram. Thinking that it was a silly picture that one of his friends took, I clicked it. Only to have my heart sink to the floor. The picture was of rusher laying on a couch with a red head (^^the picture above, sorry if you are red headed, if you are you can change the color of her hair ^-^) chick sitting on his lap, kissing him. They both had their eyes closed and she had her hands tangled in his hair, you could also see Rusher's cheeks slightly pink. My eyes widen.

R-Rusher... Is... He is... C-cheating on me?

I threw my phone, not caring where it landed, and his under my covers. Squeezing my pillow close to me, I saw the neatly wrapped gift in the corner of my eye. I kicked it and rollsed to my side, away from it. Curling I to a ball, I cried, no caring whether my mascara was running or how my faced looked. Eventually, I cried my self to sleep.

One Week Later:

There have been rumors everywhere saying how rusher and that girl, Ava(again, sorry if your name is Ava. You may change it, if you desire), were dating. It's all over the internet and I swear that once, when I went outside, I heard someone talking about it.

I've been staying inside my adpartment, only leaving to get groceries if jordan isn't here. Bayani was only staying for that one day, his birthday, but since he found out and once he saw how terrible I looked he told me he would stay for however long I need him.

I fell bad for keeping him here, I keep telling him he could go but he keeps denying me, saying that I needed someone. I am kinda happy he stayed or who knows what I would of done to myself.

I've been completely depressed since that day... I've stopped eating, haven't been able to sleep,and all I want to do is stay in bed all day. I've also been having these weird mood swings, like,I can be really happy to really mad. Its strange and I feel bad whenever I yell at jordan.

Rusher has also been trying to reach me. Whether its Skype, texting, calling, team speak, you name it and he's tried it. I keep ignoring it though, I don't want to hear his stupid excuse to why he kissed that girl. I just wished he'd leave me alone and date the other girl instead of me.

I pull my hair back into a bun and I take out my phone to scroll through tumblr. As soon as I took out my phone I got a notifaction.

68 unread texts from: Rusherrr
19 missed calls from: Rusherrr

Why won't he leave me alone??!!

Hiii! I wanted to finish this book tomorrow but I've been so addicted to Dan and Phil that I haven't had the time to update (basically procrastinating). Sorrrry I'll hopefully have it done Friday! So I can work on my new story!!

I do not own Instagram nor Tumblr! Or the picture

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