Chapter 13: Y-Yes...

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Heyo everyone! We have reached 205 reads!! Wooo!! I'm either gonna write a cryaotic x reader or a Will x reader, I'm not quite sure which one yet. Anyways! I'll shut up and update the story now! ^-^ bai! I hope you enjoy! *peace sign*

I raised an eyebrow but shook it off and close my eyes before spinning aound. I heard quiet shuffling before feeling something soft and warm on my lips. Once realizing what it was, my eyes shot open to see, rusher with his eyes shut tight and his lips on mine. I smirked to myself before softly kissing back. My mind was blank, i couldn't comprehend what was going on, it felt like we were the only two in the entire world.

It was amazing.

Wait! I'm kissing braden! Braden! I doing even know if I love him for sure or not!

With that thought I pulled away.

Braden opened his neyes to reveal his golden brown orbs. He smiles.


I felt my face heat up as I looked up at him. He was grinning like he just won a million dollars, I swear my face was 50 shades of red. I stared hearing cheering and at that moment I remembered about the other cube members and how they were still in the same room. Me and braden looked over and saw everyone either cheering or smiling while grape was still holding his silly camera, vlogging.

Braden chuckled to him before looking back at me, "(y/n)?"

I turned my head to look at him, my face still a tomato, "Y-Yes?" I stutter back to him.

He gently cups my chin and looks straight at me and into my (e/c) eyes. "Can I ask you something very important?"

"Right n-now?" I ask, nodding towards the camera. He simply nods, "Sure I guess..." I quietly whisper, still looking straight at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said with a hint of hope in his eyes, its was silent in the room as everyone awaited my answer. I shuffle slightly, uncomfortable. When he kissed me I wasn't sure how I felt about him. Whether I thought of him as a friend, or more than that, or if I thought of him as a older brother. But after looking into his caramel eyes, I knew I had fallen for him. I knew that I was completely in love with the silly cow in front of me. And at that moment I also knew that it wasn't just then that I had fallen, but from right when I heard his voice just over a year ago.

He looked down with sadness now filling his orbs. My eyes widened at this. "Never mind... I uderstand..."

I quickly cupped his cheeks with both of my hands and kissed him with so much love and so much passion for that I was afraid that he believed I didn't love him like I did. I couldn't control myself anymore my body had complete control over me. Rusher slowly pulled back, out of breath. I looked at him and smiled softly.


"Yes?" He replied slightly confused.

I giggle at his idiocy, "Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

His eyes lit up and he jumps up, he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and cling to his arms that were holding me secure and kept me from flying into a wall.

He sets me down, "I'm so happy! I'm the happiest dude in the entire world! No! The entire universe!"

I laugh.

"And there you have it folks, a happy couple has been made" Grape says with the camera turned toward him.

I just roll my eyes at him.

That night rusher stayed by my side and refused to let go of my hand. We joked, we laughed, we talked, we did almost everything a couple could do. But by the end of the night, I had fallen asleep with my head rested on Braden's lap with his fingers stroking my hair.

I will definitely never forget this wonderful day of my life.

Hey!!! Only chapters 5 left! Mwhahahahaha! Then this story shall be overrrrr!

I gotta say, I might miss it.

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