Chapter 2: Welcome!

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"Hey" I heard Rusher's voice on the other side, for some reason I felt relieved after he spoke, as if I was expecting someone else pretending to be Rusher. "Hold up, YOU'RE A GIRL?!"

I jumped a little, "yeah... Is that a bad thing?"

"Yeah no, sorry, didn't mean to yell."

"Nawh its fine, most people get surprised as well when they find out I was a girl."

"Holy crap, a chick knocked the shit out of me."

I laughed, "anyways, the competition?" I said with a large grin on my face.

"Yeah, yeah, one sec let me start a vid and i gotta discuss this with wild and napkin."

I nodded then realized he couldn't see me so I quickly responded with a simple "yes of course."

After about an hour of getting napkin and wild online and recording the clip. I kept opening and shutting the door causing the sound to make Rusher go crazy. I just laughed and so did napkin and wild.

"(Y/n)?" My mother walked in carrying a small plate in her hands.

"Hm? Guys I'll be right back." I took off my headphones and looked toward her. "Yeah?"

"I brought you some cake I made."

"Please tell me, this isn't deadly." I said as she sets down the plate of (favorite flavor) cake on my desk.

"No it isn't." She says with no emotion.

"Mom... It was a joke." I sighed

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice." She then walked out, closing the door behind her. I put my headphones back on.

"Okay I'm back!"

Rusher laughed, "We now know the mighty (mc/u) true identity! (Y/n)!!"

"Wait... Wha.." I was so confused, how did he know my name? My mother did say it as she was walking in but- shit I forgot to mute myself.

"We heard your mother say it." Wild said.

"Yeah... STUPID GOOD HEADPHONES." I took a bite out of the cake, "so anyone up for a raid?" I ask

It was quiet for a good couple of seconds, "you got a raid for us?" Rusher finally asked, breaking the silence.

I grin, "oh heck yeah I do"


"Wow... I can't believe that was a year ago" I laughed to myself as I watch the video of me joining the factions for the third time. "It seems like I just met him yesterday..." Rusher and I are the bestest of friends, you can not separate us. But even though we are the bestest of friends he still doesn't know what I look like nor where I live. We normally record together or we text about the stupidest things. Oh! And ever since I joined everyone was begging me to make a YouTube account, so I did! Surprisingly I got many subscriptions in a month, thanks to Rusher that is.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, "crap, I forgot to take it out." I had to stand up to get my phone out of my back pocket. I opened my home screen.

4 unseen messages from Rusherrr

I giggle to myself as I read the messages





I roll my eyes at my phone, I tap the screen and respond back.

Make sure the turtle doesn't attack you

I toss my phone on my bed and go to my closet. Hmm... What to wear, what to wear. I grab black shorts and a light blue long sleeved shirt that said, 'Rawr, I'm a Dinosaur.' With a small picture of a green t-rex. I take off my pj's and put on my outfit. I then put on converse. Grabbing my phone I go outside. Walmart here I come.

My phone vibrates.


Hey you comin to pax this week end?

Oh. Right,Pax prime is this weekend. I scratch the back of my neck, thinking about how much money it would cost to fly there and back, get passes, buy food, get a hotel room, and anything else I randomly buy. I won't even have enough just to fly there and fly back...

To: Rusherrr

Sorry bro
Won't have enough money to make it there.

I walk into the store and go straight to the Asian too area. I need more pocky, a lot more pocky. I end up grabbing ten boxes of pocky. I turn around and look at the ramen. Hmm... What flavor should I get...


Gras will pay for it for ya

I grab some chicken flavor, knowing that I have beef flavor at home.

To: Rusherrr

You sure that would be okay?

From: Rusherrr

Yep no worries

To: Rusherrr

Alright if you're sure

See ya at prime!

I take out my phone and start recording a vlog.

"Hey guys! Guess what... IM GOING TO PAX PRIME!"

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