Chapter 6: Jealous?

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A/n: IM BACK BITCHES!!! MWHAHAHAHA! Jkjk you all are beautimus! Anyways, I've got 29 views which meaaaaans!!!! NEW CHAPTER WOOOOOOOOOO! or should I say, MOOOOOOOOOOOO oh gawd I've had to much coffee 0-0 anywho~ I hope you enjoy!! *grins and puts on giant hoodie* winter is coming... ((If you know that reference, I love you))

Rushers's POV:



"That's what I said."


"..." He stands there awkwardly shifting back and forth, while I stared intensely at him. Okay, he does have her hair color, but (y/n) has a brother? (Y/n) (l/n)? Why didn't she tell me? Does she not trust me or something? I shake my head, I'm thinking way to much, she probably never really had the time to mention it or something. I don't know.

"So, um, do you know where she might be?" He asks, curiosity in his eyes.

I nod, "Yeah, she should be at the pool with Bayani." I said, turning around and walking to one of the beds to Sig on, inviting him in. "Im really tired so in was going to go get an extra pillow. You can come with, I guess, the pool is on the way."

After he steps into the room and looks around at his surroundings a bit, he nods and we head to the pool.

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Bayani!!! Why is the water so cold?" I wine as I stick my foot into the water to feel the temperature. I shiver hugging myself.

We just got to the indoor pool about ten minutes ago and I just got out of the changing room to find bayani already in his shorts and swimming around.

He stands up, splashing a little, "Come on, (y/n)! Its not that bad once you get in."

I roll my eyes, "Its worse when I get in!"

He then splashes my legs causing me to jump back and yelp. "Jordan!"

He just floats on his back, laughing. I hug myself, trying to regain my warmth back, when I felt something wrap around my waist. I jumped a little, turning around, I then was face to face with Mitch. He grinned evily and picked me, bridal style ((tbh I don't know why they call it that when its really just bridal XP)), he then walks to the edge of the pool and started swinging me. Once I realised what he was doing, my eyes widened and i started squirming, trying to get out of his grasp, "Mitch! Put me down! Right now!"

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