Chapter 10: A Confession

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Rusher's POV:

I was hugging her so tight, afraid that if I left go of her she would fall into a thousand pieces. I was rubbing her back when I felt something wet on my shoulder and (y/n) hiccups. I pulls back to look at her, she had tears streaming down her pale face. I caress her check.

"I was so scared... Rusher, I was so so scared." She said in between her hiccups.

I run my fingers through her hair, trying to make her feel safe, "I know... But it's okay now, I'm here and you not getting out of my sight."

I feel her smile and she burries her face in the crook of my neck, "I'm so happy that I have a friend like you."

That word made my heart hurt, friend. We were only friends... I take a deep breath, smelling the sent of her conditioner. I bit my lip and work up as much courage as I could. "(Y/n)..." I pull back and she looks at me confused.

"What's wrong? You look upset.." She says searching my eyes.

"I have to tell you something." I say staring into her sparkling (e/c) eyes, not breaking eye contact. "I-I... Uh.. I think of you... Well more than a friend. Fuck, I think of you more than a sister!" I shut my eyes and shake my head, clearing my thoughts and calming myself. I look up at her, "(y/n), there is no other way to say this, but... I love you."

I searched her eyes for something, anything, to tell me that she felt the same... But, to my disappointment, there was nothing. She eyes were completely blank as she stared at me, her mouth slightly open as if she was going to say something.

"(Y/n)!!" I turn around to see Mitch trying to catch his breath in the doorway. He looked up and he cracked a small smile when he saw (y/n). "I'm so happy that you're okay..." He walks to her and squats down to hug her. He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her close to him.

I stood up, looking away, I turned toward the door and walked out. Outside in the hallway was everyone else."Is (y/n) in there?" Bee asks, worried, I nodded and everyone rushed by me to get into the room.

I pull my hood over my head, shoved my hands in my pockets, and walked down the hall. Looking down to avoid any eye contact.

"Hey, Rush." I turned around to see ryan.

"Ryan? What are you doing? Weren't you with the others."

He walked to me, "I was, but I saw that my bud was upset, so I came to check up on him." He says with a grin, "So why don't you tell me."

I looked up at the ceiling, "Girl problems, bro."

"(Y/n)?" I nodded, "I know how you feel." We walked down the hall, pasted the lobby, and outside as I explained everything to him. From when she joined factions to when I saw Mitch kissing her.

Toward the end, it started to rain, but truthfully I didn't think I, nor Ryan, even cared.

"Ah, so you don't know if she likes you back." I nodded, he ran his hand through his now wet hair, "hm, a fight between you and Mitch, that's a new one. You two are normally okay with each other." I growled under my breath, "Woah, bull, calm down. If she likes you back she'll let you know. But for now, lets get your mind off things, alright?"

I nodded, "that seems like a great idea."

(Y/n)'s POV:

Once I noticed Braden was gone, I pushed Mitch away and I stood up quickly, about to run out when the rest of the youtubers came in and attacked me with hugs. "Guys... I know you're excited to see me, but I have to go do something." I say with a sweet smile then I leave the bathroom I was kept in for the past couple of hours, and walked out into the hall. Only to find it empty. Great, just great, where did he go?

"(Y/n)." I turned around on my heels to see bayani with his arms crossed on his chest. "I'm coming with you."

I roll my eyes, "I don't need a bodyguard."

"I beg a differ, considering what happened to you earlier."

"Fine. Just... Try to be fast, I have to find him." I turn back around and hurried down the hall, to check our hotel room. Bayani jogging behind me, trying to catch up.

"Find who?" He says and slows down once he's next to me.

"Rusher!" I take out the key card with my shaking fingers and I slide it into the lock, the door opening.

"Not to be rude, but why?" He follows me into the room.

I quickly scan the room, "fuck!" I turn around about to check the rest of the hotel when bayani grabbed my arm.

"Hey, if you looking for rusher then staying here will be the best resort. He'll come back, tomorrow is the first day of Pax so the has to come back. Now, take a deep breath and calm yourself. Okay?" He says in a soft tone.

I follow his orders and take a deep breath. "Alright..." I fall onto the bed and close my eyes, his words repeating in my head over and over again.

I love you too.... Rusher...

Hey guys! I hope everyone has enjoyed! I thought it was really cute x3
Alright! I gotta go! Its Sunday, which means school tomorrow, ugh...
Love you all! <3

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