I Must Save Her.

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1 month later...

"Hey! Shino! Could you get me a couple more of em coffee sweeteners?" Andrew called as he served a tray of coffee.

"Coming!" Shino Asada adjusted her glasses and tightened her apron before picking up some coffee sweetener from the table.

One month of working here.. one month of getting used to a world 40 years into the future.

Most of the old ALfheim Crew now worked here in the Dicey Cafe.

Some of the younger members.. namely, not Klein, had found new identities, and were now going to school in the local area..

However, none could ever return to a feeling of normality.. not with the emptiness of Mikoto's absence hanging over them.

Touma, who worked on the weekends, wouldn't even speak to Index. He was the most torn up of everyone it seemed. The only ones second to him were Shino, Kazuto, Asuna, and Kuroko, whom by far were all the closest to her..

Accelerator never talked, or made any indication that he felt anything about the situation. But, Shino herself could tell that he was bummed.

Shino, Asuna, and Kazuto, along with Suguha lived at Haru's place now.. while Kuroyukihime housed nearly everyone else, as her family was well off, so she had her own place all to herself.. Her parents were also completely neglectful, as well as her sister who happened to be the White King, White Cosmos. So there wasn't a chance that anybody would intrude.

However, none of that mattered at the moment.. currently, Shino's only objective.. was something else.. something which would come through the door of the cafe at any second..

The door of the cafe opened suddenly as Kazuto, Touma and Haru entered. They waved at Shino, who waved back, and they all settled at one of the booths.

"So.. did you get it?" Shino asked.

"Yep... one copy." said Kazuto, taking out a game case. There was an image of a triforce on it..and it said Hyrule Online on the cover.

"It can't be uploaded to the Neuro Linker." said Haru. "You have to put it into a game system called Navigear.. I just got one.. it's because the data for this game is practically HUGE.. It's constantly expanding... As of today, one of the smallest areas in the game alone is over 400 kilometers across. The Gerudo Desert.. is twice that size... and the ocean even bigger.. "

"Sounds like one hell of a game." said Shino.

"Yeah. " said Kirito. "And every day we went.. the game was always sold out.. it's that popular.. every day we went to the store and we always turned out empty.. but.. now.. we finally have it.. but.. one game only means one person.."

"One person and one program.. remember, Midna can still come." said Haru. "Problem is.. who should go with her? We can't afford to keep waiting.. the game sells out too quickly for us to properly get new ones for each of us.. and the Navigear is over 1000 US dollars.. none of us have that kind of money."

"I.. want to go and save her." said Touma. "I always wanted to.."

"And that's why it should be you." said Kirito.

"It should, but it can't be." said Touma. "Kirito.. nobody knows games like you.. you need to go.."

Kirito paused. "I.. Touma.."

"He's right." said Shino. "Kirito.. you're the most skilled gamer out of all of us.. you're the one with best chances of finding her.. you should go.."

Railgun Online, Accelerated World: Book 1, AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now