The Newcomer

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"CLASH!!" Mikoto watched, feeling absolutely helpless as Silver Crow danced around the battlefield, dodging blows from a large blue avatar with a shield for a head.

Sapphire Shield slammed a powerful club-like fist down at Silver Crow, who jumped back, his superior speed proving more then a match for the opponent.

Sapphire Shield was from the Yellow Legion, Yellow Circus. While he was a Level 6, around the same as Haru, Mikoto was relieved to see that Haru by far was a much better fighter, not even having to activate his wings to deal with his opponent.

Crow had lasted for an astounding 12 rounds with each of the 5 Kings present (Or 4 kings and one representative.)

Zant didn't seem aggravated by the unexpected turn, in fact, from where he stood next to Mikoto's chair, which he had moved into the head of the stands to give room for the fighters. In fact, despite his mask masking any features he held, Mikoto could tell he was rather pleased by this.

It made sense. Zant had no personal grudge against Mikoto, Haru or any of her friends, they'd only met just yesterday. What mattered to him was his plan. And his plan was to destroy any chance Mikoto had of uniting the Kings of Pure Color. And if the members of Nega Nebulous proved too much for the members of the other legions..then that just meant the legions would have to fight each other. further ensuring the success of Zant's plan.

"Enough!" Zant waved a sleeve, and Sapphire Shield stopped attacking. Immediately a Twilight Portal appeared above Crow and sucked him up. "It is apparent that this is getting us nowhere, so.. let us move to the final stages of the game.. if all the Kings are in agreement. How about.. we now send out your fighters to fight each other? Two rounds! First round.. you can send out whomever you wish... second round.. the Kings must fight each other... then.. and only then.. will we figure out who is worthy of this prize.."

"Wait!" said Blue Knight, the Blue King. "Us.. fight each other? That would violate the treaty we agreed to set down with Red Rider.. "

"Oh?" said Zant. "And how valuable of an asset do you think Violate Sparkplug is? Do you think.. she's worth a little bit of rule breaking?"

"I do.." said Yellow Radio, chuckling sinisterly. "I agree to this.. besides, it's two matches!! The first one will probably decide it!!"

The other Kings and White Cosmos's representative (Ivory Tower) all nodded in agreement.

Several avatars all entered the field now.. the one from the Green Legion, Mikoto recognized as Ash Roller, who revved his bike down into the battlefield.

"Hi there Sparkplug!! This is going to be Mega AWESOME when we have ya in our f*cking guild!! Woohoo!!"

"Roller!! Stop, this is all a trick, you have to-!" Sparkplug began, but her voice was cut off by the roar of the crowd.

"What!!?" said Roller. "You're going to have to f*cking speak up!! Ha! We'll talk later after I f*cking bash these f*ckers!!

"Soap.. in the mouth.." Mikoto muttered to herself. "he needs that.. he REALLY needs that.."

"Well.." said Zant. "Without further ado, let us begi-

"WAIT!" a commanding voice filled the stadium, prompting everyone to stop talking, they stared as the source of the voice, a dark figure, walked onto the battlefield.

It was an unusual avatar.. he was tall and black colored, with a head that looked like an advanced motorcycle helmet with a black faceplate.. beneath the plate, which was some sort of one way face shielding like Silver Crow's face, blue robotic eyes

He wore a long black dark coat. and silver gauntlets and armor that covered the sides of his legs, along with black faulds around the waist.

If it weren't for the robotic head, and hands, Mikoto would've thought it was some sort of armored Sith Lord from the imagination of George Lucas. (Cough cough! Kylo Ren!!).

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