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"Despair.. Death!!" Those voices whispered in Mikoto's ear.. screaming out.. "Unleash it all.. unleash all the despair you can!!! I.. am DISASTER!!!!"

Mikoto covered her ears, crying as the grinding torturous voice assaulted her mind. "Stop.. stop it! Be quiet!"

"I cannot be quiet!! Look at all those fools.. all those WRETCHED fools!! Destroy them!! Together! We are unstoppable!!!"

Mikoto couldn't take the voices anymore, she let out a blood curdling scream..

Mikoto awoke, panting fearfully, as a hand held a wet towl to her forehead.

"Calm down Misaka-san! You're okay! It's just a nightmare!!!"

Haru patted the cold towl against Mikoto's forehead, desperately. "See?"

"Oh.. sorry.." Mikoto muttered. "That.. was a really bad dream.."

"It's alright Misaka-san.." said Haru. "You're safe.."

"Am I?" Mikoto muttered, sitting up in the bed. "You.. know.. Arita-san, you don't have to keep sleeping on your couch.. this is YOUR bed.. we could switch.."

"N-no!" said Haru. "What kind of manners would it be to let that happen!?"

"Arita-san.." Mikoto said.

"It's around 6 in the morning.. " Haru said, yawning a bit. "But.. I guess I could get started on breakfast."

After the disasterous event with Zant.. fortunately, everybody had made it out fine.. Black Lotus at least, had been able to defeat the boss monster that Zant had set upon her.

Mikoto hadn't bothered to ask anybody what the Disaster Armor Zant had forced into her item storage was yet.. in fact, she didn't think she had it anymore, because, in actuality, it didn't even show up in her Item Storage.. most strange..

"I'm going to make some eggs." said Haru. "How would you like them?"

Mikoto shook herself out of her thoughts. "Wait! No.. it's you I should be asking that question!"


"I'm... going to make you breakfast!" Mikoto stammered, going slightly pink. "It's the least I can do after all you've done for me!"

"You.. make me breakfast?" said Haru.

10 minutes later.. Mikoto was struggling over a pan in Haru's kitchen, wearing an apron and a rather blatant difficult frown on her face.

"Er.." Mikoto muttered to herself. "Uhh.. finished?"

Mikoto took the pan, and emptied the extremely burned eggs into Haru's plate.

Haru stared at the burned eggs with apprehension.

"W-well.. j-just give it a bite already!" said Mikoto nervously.

Haru held the food shakily up to his mouth.. and ate it.. for a minute, he made a strangled choking noise, then with tears in his eyes.. he held a thumbs up. "I-it's.. er... g-good.. yeah.. aaackk!!"

"OH I KNOW IT'S TERRIBLE!!" Mikoto exclaimed, burying her face in her hands. "How will that idiot want to even go out with me if I can't even cook for him!?"

"I.. could teach you how to cook." said Haru.

"Teach.. me how..?" said Mikoto.

"Well.. yeah, I guess I do have a basic gist of cooking at least since I'm pretty much on my own usually, and my mom doesn't even care." said Haru.

Railgun Online, Accelerated World: Book 1, AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now