18. He catches you singing one of his songs

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He catches you singing one of his songs


You always sang in the shower. Always. So now, you were doing the same. In fact, since you knew you were home alone, you were singing your lungs out, doing silly dances. You didn't stop when you got out of the shower. Still dancing, you put on your underwear, got out of the bathroom and did one of those awkward runs towards your bedroom, because you were cold. Opening your closet, you quickly put on your favourite hoodie. That's when you saw one of your boyfriend's hats. You smiled, put it on and grabbed the nearest deodorant to use as a microfone, before fully singing out loud the song you've been having in your mind all day again. ,,SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE NOWWW! CAUSE I'M DYING JUST TO KNOW YOUR NAME!" You shouted, before throwing away the deo to burst out in one of your crazy dances again, still singing One Thing. ,,OH WHOAAAAA!!!" You sang dedicated, clapping along to the bridge of the song loudly. ,,OH WHOAAAAA!! OH WHOOAAAA!!" You grabbed your 'mic' again. ,,YEAH, YOU'VE GOT THAT ONE THING!!!" All of a sudden you felt someone grabbing your arms from behind. In shock your quickly turned around, to look in the puppy eyes that were your boyfriend's. ,,So get out, get out, get out of my head. And fall into my arms, instead." He sang to you, smiling, before pecking a kiss on your lips. You immediately went red. ,,Please don't tell me you were standing there watching me for more than two seconds," you say. Liam smiled. ,,Okay, then I won't..." The two of you burst out laughing.


You were often caught quitely singing along to songs. The truth was you loved to sing. Especially since you started dating Zayn, music had been an important part of your life, as well as singing. You were actually pretty good at it. You were cleaning up the kitchen of the apartment you and your boyfriend shared, when you gave in to the song that played in your head. ,,I'll be here, by your side. No more tears, no more crying... But if you walk away, I know I'll fade, cuz there is nobody else..." You sang quitely, almost hearing the voice of the guy you loved so much in your head. You must've been at way too many concerts. ,,It's gotta be you---!" Wow, this was getting unhealthy. Whilst singing you really thought you heard Zayn's voice signing along with you. ,,Only you---!" You stopped for a second. Again you really thought you heard his voice harmonizing with yours. ,,It's gotta be y-" You started the next sentence before brutally cutting it off. The 'you---!' went on though, then turning into laughter. You quickly turn around and see Zayn standing in the living room. You didn't even know he was home already. ,,That was hilarious!" He shouted when he saw you noticed him. ,,Oh my God, Zayn, I thought I was going mental!" You pout. He walks over to you and gives you one of his big hugs. ,,I'm sorry, baby, I had to." He smiles, then kissing your lips. ,,Besides, I love singing with you, your voice is so beautiful, babe."


The two of you were grocery shopping. You had a hard time avoiding the paparazzi and not getting recognized by fans, but it actually looked like you succeeded today. You just wanted a afternoon to spend together after all. Luckily, is was pretty quiet in the super market, there weren't a lot of people around. You were having fun and joking around (no one was recognizing you anyways) when suddenly WMYB started playing on the radio. ,,Oh my God, ONE DIRECTION!" You shouted fangirling, looking at Louis, even grabbing his arm. Louis quitely smiled and looked around him to see if anyone was watching, clearly thinking to himself what the hell had gotten into his girlfriend. ,,Babe, it's ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!" You yelled again, laughing. You clapped along to the beat. ,,EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ROOM CAN SEE IT, EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOUUUU!" You started dancing. ,,BABY, YOU...." Suddenly you felt Lou's hand covering up your mouth. ,,(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked, smiling. ,,Singing, what the hell does it look like?" You reply, escaping from your boyfriends firm grip on you. ,,You are... absolutely crazy." Louis whispers, though still smiling. ,,I'm sorry, babe, I'm just such a big fan of you." You joked, while getting closer to him and grabbing his arm. ,,I just have to fangirl. I just love you so much!" ,,Oh, really?" Lou smirked. He kissed your lips passionately. ,,Now let's go and pay for these things and go home. Hopefully you're still a big fan of me after tonight." ,,Oh my God..." You smiled, following your boyfriend to the pay desk.


If we could only have this life, for one more day. If we could only turn back time!" You sang to yourself, waiting for Niall to get back from an interview with the boys. You went along with them today and were waiting back stage. You and your boyfriend would go on a romantic date tonight, celebrating your anniversary. ,,You know I'll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart is breathing for this..." You were pretty bored because it was taking quite long for Niall to come back. ,,Moment in time, I'll find the words to say..." You sang, tapping along to the beat on the couch you were sitting on, when suddenly you hear a familiar voice. ,,(Y/N)! Babe, we're done!" You turned around and saw the guys getting out of the room they just did the interview in. You smiled and walked up to Niall, pecking him a kiss on his cheek. ,,What were you even doing?" He laughed. Apparently he heard you. ,,Waiting for you, silly." You say, grabbing his hand, walking towards the exit of the building along with the others. ,,You were singing." ,,No, I wasn't." ,,Yes, you were!" You sigh. ,,All right, I maybe sang a few tunes. Whatever." He laughed again. ,,You were singing Moments." You frowned your eyebrows. ,,No?!" You defend yourself, looking at his eyes. ,,Yeah, you were!" Niall went again. ,,All right, MAYBE I sang Moments." Niall cracked a smile. ,,Well, I'm glad you're loving our music, babe. Because it certainly seems like ya do." ,,I only sang it because Ed wrote it." You joke, smiling a cheeky smile at him. ,,Oh, you little..." Quickly you increased your walking speed and let go of Niall to get away from him, laughing. ,,Oh well, oh well, you guys aren't fighting again, are you?" Louis then yelled, making everybody laugh.


You were known for being the happy girlfriend. Always friendly, always smiling or whistling a tune. There were loads of videos of you on YouTube made by fans who run into you, and in every single one of them you were either whistling or singing a song. This time, you and Harry decided to go for a bit of shopping in London, when you were recognized by a small group of fans. They were all taking pictures with Harry while you were awkwardly standing near them, about 3 metres away, waiting for your boyfriend to be ready to go. ,,I'm so excited for the new album, Harry!" You heard a fan scream. Oh, yeah, that's right, you thought. Take Me Home was almost getting out, and the first single would be released next week. Immediately you thought about the catchy tune. You didn't even realize that in a matter of seconds you were whistling along with it. ,,Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy..." You thereafter sang, before realizing the group of fans could hear you. Within seconds the cameras were all pointed at you and you just knew they had just recorded your marvelous signing. You also noticed Harry giving one of his meaningful looks. Then it hit you. You had just sung the new, unreleased, single infront of about twenty fans, who recorded every second of it. When Harry was ready to go, he grabbed your hand tightly. ,,Next time you're singing in public again, please make sure it's not our unreleased first single of our unreleased new album, babe." He whispered in your ear. ,,I might get into trouble." ,,I'm so sorry, Harry." You apologize in all honesty. Harry smiled. ,,It's okay, babe, you're not that great of a singer anyways. I'd doubt if they'll even recognize it." ,,You complete asshole!" You smile at his insult, knowing he doesn't mean it. ,,Seriously, though, I love it when you sing. It means you're happy and I like to see you happy." Your boyfriend confesses, before pecking a kiss on your cheek.

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