12. Older Brother 1/5

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This one is for @1DBelieberGirl514! Thanks for not being a ghost reader Hun! Luuvvvvv Yoooouuuu!

YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE LIKE @1DBelieberGirl514!!! :P


Harry: Harry is too years older than you. The same age as your older brother Jake. Both 19. Jake is the protective type. He doesn't want his little sister's heart to get broken. "Jake! You better be nice to Harry." You say as he is getting ready for Harry to come over. "I don't know? It depends if I like him or not," he says. "You'll love him.. I know it," you said. "I don't know.. What is your problem with older men anyways?" He asks. "What do you mean? He is my first boyfriend," you say in question. You get interrupted by the door bell ringing. "I'll get it," you offer. You let Harry into the house. Your brother introduces himself and shakes Harry hand. During the rest of the day Harry and Jake discover that they have a lot in common, such as same taste in music and they are both addicted to Instagram! Jake also like the way Harry treats you. He likes how he doesn't treat you as just another girl, he sees the special spark you get when you look in to each others eyes.


Short.. SORRY! But this is only 1/5!!!!

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