16. You tell him your a virgin

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He gently tossed you onto the bed and took off his shirt and slipped out of his pants, leaving him just in his boxers with his bulge growing even bigger. He climbed on top of you and starting kissing you. Between the sweet warm, lustful kisses you slowly started stripping yourself. The kisses got more intense and Harry reached inside his bedside drawer. "What are you doing?" you questioned. "Getting protection, so uh, you know." he answered. "Got one. Okay you ready?" he asked. Your eyes grew wide. "Umm.." you said as he positioned himself at your entrance. "HARRY WAIT!" he looked up at you. "What was it?!" "I, uh, I really really wanna do this, but I have a confession. I'm a.. I'm a virgin." you looked away from him not wanting to see his reaction. He let out a deep breath, "If you want to wait I understand, but if you would like to this, I'll be very gentle." You thought for a moment. "Hmm yeah. Let's do this." you said. A smirk came across his face. "Just tell me if it hurts babe."


He kissed your forehead lightly. "I had a great time today (y/n) thank you for agreeing to go out with me." "The pleasure was all mine." you smiled. You both said goodbye and you headed into your door. "(y/n) wait!" you heard Liam call out. Your turned around he came running towards you. "What is it?" you question. "I forgot something" Liam said. And before you could ask what it was he planted a kiss on your lips. "I'm sorry, he really had a good time and you are a great girl and I just had to I'm sorry." He apologized. "I'm a virgin!" you shouted at random. Immediately after you said that you covered your mouth. "I have no idea why I said that, and uhh, imma go bang my head against the wall now bye bye." You said through your fingers and started closing the door. Liam stopped it from shutting. "I like your honesty and this doesn't change how I feel about you. I'll give you a call tomorrow, and please don't hit your head, it doesn't feel good. Sleep tight." And he kissed your forehead once more and left.


You were just hanging out with the lads and you guys started playing truth or dare. A couple silly dares had been done and some truths were revealed but then it was your turn, "(Y/n) truth or dare?" Harry asked you. You thought for a moment. "I think i'll pick truth this time." "Bold choice. Tell us the story of your worst hook up" he asked. "I don't wanna hear this mate she's my girlfriend and it'll be awkward for me." Louis pleaded. "That's prolly cuz her worst hookup was with him!" Niall joked. "Shut it Horan." Louis spat out. "Tell us (y/n), was it Louis?" Liam asked. "Actually, I haven't uh, had sex with anyone yet" "So you're a virgin?" Niall asked. Louis hit him on the arm. "But are you?" Louis asked. You nodded your head."That's okay sweetie, so is our little Nialler here." Zayn said messing up Niall's hair. Everyone laughed


"So we've been dating quite some time yeah?" Zayn asked you. "Yeah I guess." You answered. "Okay, I was just wondering, ummm how come we never talk about sex?" he asked. "Zayn!" you looked around the restaurant hoping nobody noticed what he said. "I just wanna know. Everytime I bring it up, you change the subject." "I just don't like talking about it okay?" you said with a hint of anger in your voice. Zayn dropped his fork to his plate in anger. "Well why not?" He spat out. "Because i'm a virgin." you whispered. "What?" he questioned. "I'm a virgin. Okay. I don't like talking about it, because you've slept with a lot of people and I haven't even slept with one. And if we did ever have sex I'm afraid it would be bad and you'd dump me. So there, happy now?" You stood up and walked outside. You breathed in the fresh air and closed your eyes. "I don't care if you're experienced or not. It doesn't matter to me. And there is no way on hell I could compare you to those others, because you already won. And there is no way I'm letting you go. And I promise to never bring it up again unless you want to okay?" he said wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his head into your neck. "Thank you Zayn."


You and Niall took a little stroll through the park. You took turns asking each other questions trying to get to know each other better. You had exchanged all kinds of questions and answers until Niall asked this one, "So how many people have you been with?" "Like dated?" you asked. "Yeah that and how many you've been umm romantically involved with. "Oh my god," you said with a little bit of disgust. Niall picked up on that and immediately said, "Not for the reasons you think I just wanna know my competition." You rolled your eyes and answered, "I've only dated a few and have never been "involved with anyone?" "Really?" "Yup, I know its lame but-" "Actually its not, and I actually admire you. I wish I would have waited like you, but I can't go back now. I just hope one day I'll be worthy enough for you." You reached down and grabbed his hand. "Maybe one day."

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