17. Your on your Period

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Harry: "Stop stop stop" You groaned as you clutched your stomach. It was the time of the month, cramps were giving you hell and you also happened to be sick. Oh joy. Harry was spending the day with the guys, so you were all alone, feeling like hell. It felt like a Pokemon battle in your stomach. You grabbed your phone, ready to text the first person that could help. Harry was first. Text- Hazza, would you mind buying me some um lady things.. thanks xo Well that was awkward. Ugh the pain was unbearable. 10 minutes later, Harry still hadn't texted back and you had the most painful headache. The door burst open and Harry ran in, looking frazzled, his hands full of random shit. "I"m here babe, got caught up. Here's tampons, chocolate, movies and popcorn." You immediately went for the chocolate, Harry chuckled and pulled you closer to him. He kissed your forehead. "Feel better soon love".

Liam: "Do you need anything?" Liam was running around, desperately trying to make you feel better. The period had begun and you couldn't help but feel grumpy and irritable. Liam was running back and forth between the lounge room and the kitchen, trying to make sure you were okay. It was really sweet, but since you were grumpy it was also plain annoying. "Liam Payne! Sit down for God's sake and watch the god damn movie." He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in for a cuddle. "Thank you Liam, I love you." He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I love you too Y/N".

Zayn: "Come on babe, lets go to the movie, lets do something!" Zayn was trying to get you out of bed. Which obviously wasn't going to happen. You buried your face in a pillow "Zayn I feel like shit. I'm sorry, I refuse to go out" He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. You were holding your stomach, attempting to make the pain go away. "Are you pregnant?!" His eyes widened and he paced up and down the room. "Y/N I'm going to be there for you, to provide for the baby" He rambled on about being there, why you tried not to laugh. "Zayn, I'm not pregnant! I'm on my period" His mouth formed an 'O' shape and he looked slightly relieved. You giggled as he clambered into the bed next to you, his hands massaged your stomach. "Well I would be there for you even if you were pregnant...."

Niall: When you were on your period, you were literally a human eating machine. Niall loved this time, you could eat just as much as he could. You whimpered as a cramp shot through your body. Niall looked over to you, biting his lip worriedly. "Princess? You okay?" You nodded, just as the major cramp came. You groaned loudly and fell off the couch. "Yay." you muttered sarcastically. He tried to stifle a laugh and came to help you up. Niall placed you on his lap, cradling you. You kissed him lightly on the lips, burying your face in his neck.

Louis: You were staying at his place for the day, unfortunately for you mother nature decided to visit. You shuffled too the bathroom, in search of needed supplies. Oh yeah, Louis didn't have tampons. Greeeeeat. "Sweetie, you okay?" You blushed and called out. "Um Lou, I er need some um.. Tampons." Well this is quite embarrassing. "Oh, sure I'll be back" You crept back to bed, shutting the world out for a few precious moments. Half an hour later, Louis came bounding in holding a box of tampons and Advil. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him gently. "Thank you babe" He chuckled. " Do you want Pizza?" You smiled "Sure, a whole one for me please" He raised his eyebrows. "Well I am a growing girl."

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