Here We Go

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Chelseys P.O.V

As soon as I was out the car Liam slipped his hand into mine. Weird was written all over it and it felt foreign and uncomfortable yet it brought a sense of calamity with it. I took a deep breath in as we walked hand in hand to the flat.

I noticed Gracie and Niall were already inside since their car was parked already. As we entered I sucked in a deep breath prepared.

"Hey," I heard Niall say faintly.

"Hey," I breathed out weakly. I looked at him closely this time. His arm was snapped around Gracie's back.

"We can watch a movie?" Niall suggested as we walked to the living room. I was about to open my mouth and agree when Liam beat me to it.

"I think we might head to my room," Liam said trudging me towards his room. I could feel Niall's and gravies stare as we both walked away.

"Don't worry about zayn and the rest, they went to a movie," Niall shouted almost grudgingly.

As soon as I was in Liam's room where no one could see or hear us I smacked him. He laughed as he saw the grimace growing on my face.

"He probably thinks I'm a whore," I growled at him. He just shrugged as he flopped himself on the bed.

"At least he looks angry and uncomfortable it means it's working," he sing-songed. I rolled my eyes at him as I went and joined him on the bed.

"What do we do now?" I asked him as I laid on the bed next to him.

"We need to make it look as though we actually are you know having fun in other words," he said sitting up straight. I groaned as I realized we were going to have to make strange noises.

"I'll start if you want," he said looking at me. I flushed red as I realized what I was about to do.

"Go ahead," I just muttered to him. He looked a bit embarrassed.

"Ohhhh," he moaned or tried to moan. He sounded like a dying whale.

"You've got it all wrong," I whispered shouted at him. He shrugged his shoulders unsure of how to produce the noise. That's when an idea came up. I sat up as I stared at him with an evil glint in my eye, oh by was he going to love this.

He was the one who got us into this mess so I might as well punish it for him. I went ahead and smacked hi in the holy place.

"Ohhhhh" he groaned in pain. It was a scream of pain, but it also sounded like a moan. I gave him a thumbs up as he glared at me, he then went to pinch my arms.

"Owww--liaaaam," I said wincing n pain. It sounded distorted but it passed off as a moan. Look at us. We look so ridiculous. We're in his bedroom sitting on his bed hurting and punching each other to make fake moans. This is totally how I planned my Saturday evening. Totally. Note the sarcasm.

We spend another five minutes inflicting pain to each other until we couldn't take it anymore. After that we just layed on the bed unsure of what to do. I was scared to walk out since I know what kind of look I would receive from gracie or niall.

"Why Liam why did you have to suggest this?" I groaned. He laughed humorlessly. It made me narrow my eyes at him.

"it seemed like a great idea at the time," he yawning. I narrowed my eyes at him. They probably think we're both whores.

"Oh don't be so negative about this," Liam said sitting up. He looked straight into my eyes making my breathing falter for a slight second. What? Oh no no no, chelsey this is bad. He stroked the side of my cheek while glancing at my lips briefly.

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