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Angelicas P.O.V

I walked quietly into chelseys room to see she was still asleep. It was around nine in the morning. A knock on the door suddenly made me jump.

I went to open the door to reveal Niall and Gracie both together holding hands.

Uh no, not good. Oh hell no. They have to leave before she wakes up. No, no, no oh hell no what is wrong with you fate? The hell you tryna do? Make matters worse?

"Leave, now," i muttered at them. They both looked taken aback by my sudden hostile mood.

"We want to hear how Liam is doing," Niall said. I glared at the boy.

"He's dandy, like a new baby bird, doing fine, okay good now go have a nice day," I said shutting the door on him but his foot kept it from closing.

"Whats going on?" He asked. I bit my tounge from telling him to go to hell, that he would ruin poor chelseys mood but that would leave him to wondering and questions.

"Nothing, just not a morning person," I said to him as i tried to nudge his foot away. Couldnt he take a hint? He's not welcomed.

"Angelica?" i heard a sleepy voice ask behind me. I closed my eyes as i muttered a deep curse.


Chelseys P.O.V

I saw her at the door. I could hear arguing so i woke up quickly to try and end the noise that wasnt letting me sleep.

"Chelsey," I heard three voices say. I rubbed my eyes to see Angelica at the door blocking something or someone.

She stepped away revealing NIall and Gracie. Both holding hands. It was as though the wind was knocked out of my body.

Seeing him standing there. I wanted to go up to him and just kiss him. Tell him i remembered. Tell him i loved him. Tell him everything.

But instead i didnt and i put on a fake smile.


Nialls P.O.V

The way her face faltered had me worried. The whole thing had me worried. I had no idea what was going on anymore.

The whole thing was a mess.

I would be lying if i said i didnt love chelsey. But i would be lying if i said i didnt feel a thing for Gracie.

I guess i just lost hope on chelsey.

Its not like you tried or anything A voice shouted.

Its as though i can move on. I cant move forward or backwards. My mind was always wondering back to chelsey. The feelings i had for her cant go away easily. I just hoped that with having Gracie by my side that they would gradually fade away.

But they didnt.

They grew stronger by the day.

I was suppose to have moved on by now. But i just cant. And i feel horrible because im lying to not just myself but to Gracie. Yes, i like her, but not enough. Not enough to surpass chelsey.

But whats the point? Chelsey wants me and Gracie together, she said it herself. It wont ever be the same with her. She acts though as a complete stranger. All because she cant remember.

It was a whole mess made out of porpotion.

Yet as her face faltered as her eyes laid upon mine and gracies hands entertwined i couldnt help but feel as though something was wrong.

She looked hurt. And the pain in her face made me feel pain. Its as though what she felt, i felt. Isnt this what she wanted? What if it wasnt?

Too late for it now though.

Everythings been done.


Remember me?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora