7. Is It 'Let's Reveal Percy's Identity' Day Already?

Start from the beginning

Chaos frowned, sensing my discomfort, "Percy?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine, do I tell the team?"

He shook his head, "We don't know for sure what's going on, so we wait."

I nodded and walked out, teleporting back to camp. I landed above Luke. How? I don't know. I fell on his head as we tumbled to the floor.

"Ahh!" Luke screamed like a girl as he fell.

I groan and got off of Luke, "Sorry."

He looked up and yelled,"PERCY!" He didn't even care that he yelled out my real name in public as he tackled me again. I fell back on the ground and cursed him and myself. I forgot to wear my cloak. Now everyone can see my face. Almost everyone looked our way, "Curse you, Alpha! You revealed my identity!"

He only gave me a smile, "Hey! You can't blame me for missing my best friend! It doesn't matter anyways! You forgot to wear your cloak, so they would see you anyways."

I only glared at him, "Thanks a lot! Now-"

"PERCY!" Soon, I felt 5 people on my back as I fell to the ground AGAIN! I groaned and glared at a laughing Luke. My team got off me. By that time, everyone was crowding us. I winced as I got up and grimaced, but hid it fairly well.

"Will you guys not do that? Stop screaming my name!" I was on my knees, getting up. At least I was. Luke laughed and pushed my head down making me fall again. This time I used my wings.

"I think you did it this time, Alpha." Michael said, laughing.

I set myself back down on the ground and tackled Luke. He screamed like a girl as he tumbled to the ground. I punched him in the gut and stood up. He screamed and clutched his manhood, "Ok, ok! I'm sorry, Percy!" He groaned out.

I punched him again as he screamed once again, "Stop using my name!" I hissed at him.

He groaned, "They already know!" I held up my fist, "Ok! Ok! I get it! Just, please, no more!" He screamed covering his manhood. I smirked and turned to the rest, who were on the floor laughing, "Do something I don't like and you'll get the same response." The boys stopped laughing and nodded feverishly. The girls continued to laugh.

"Percy?" Everyone stopped laughing and I froze. I forgot about them.

I looked at Dylan. His eyes were filling with tears rapidly and soon enough, they were falling like a waterfall. I just wanted to run over there and hug him, but who would I be if I didn't make things difficult for everyone. So instead, I scowled and crossed my arms, "I'm not Percy. In fact, I seem to recall you saying I wasn't Percy."

His bottom lip trembled, "I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't. That was the point. I thought you knew you should be nice to strangers, who help with the war effort." I told him.

"Tes." Zoë gave me a look

I sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'm sorry."

"Do you mean it?" He asked in a small voice.

I looked him straight in the eye, "Yes." Yes, I'm sorry for being a failure. For being the worst person ever. For leaving you. For everything. But I couldn't say that.

A huge grin spread across his face as he launched himself at me, "Thank you." I kept my hands in my pockets as his arms wrapped around me.

Once he let go, Nico came up and smirked at me, "'Not if I can avoid it. I don't want anyone to know my identity'. Yeah, well, your team didn't like that, did they?" He laughed.

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