The Second Night at The Demon's Castle ( 16 )

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Sena POV

This is my second night at the castle, Janine called me that it is already dinner time, I prepared for dinner. I arrived at the table properly groomed and dressed, Tom again was dazzled. We had lechon and barbeque, we ate with poise, we were done eating after 30 minutes. I immediately went to my room, when we were all done, when I got there I changed back to my ordinary clothes. I layed down on the bed, hugged my pillow and cried, because I already miss my friends and I don't want to marry him, it's only 3 days left until the wedding. I know that they are going to save and protect me, I know they are on the way here now, I can just feel it, as if like we have a connection to each other. I was thinking about that until I slept. I've dreamt of them crying and looking for me.

Nikki POV

Yup, we miss Sena already, I made fire to keep us warm while they were crying (I don't cry much). I hope Sena isn't hurt or anything, I suddenly went to sleep after thinking of that. I hope Sena is fine zzzzzzzz...................

The picture above represents Sena crying in the bedroom. Thank you for reading and voting this story or chapter.

Chapter 16 - End

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