The World of Demons ( 13 )

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Nikki POV

"Where are we?" I asked then I saw Quala sitting on a stone "in a demons world" she replied. I rose and woke up the others, they woke up and I told them that we were in the demons world also we need to find Sena. They rose up, ot was a good thing because I brought my bag pack because there are survival things in there, I brought it because I knew that we aren't gonna have a safe journey. I already told them our mission, I know that Quala has a map because her grandma's been here when she was born, her grandma drew a map of this place when she was exploring this world. Quala looked so sad then, Koko cheered her up, when we were on the way to the castle (because the ones who got Sena was in uniform of the castle). I've always been wearing a compass as my bracelet, that's why I knew where we were going because we came from South and the castle is on North.

Sena POV

"Where am I? I want to hear an answer" then something or somebody said that I was in the demons world, then he looked at me closely I asked him who he was, but he said that he doesn't answer too many questions. "We also have your brother Sena!" He replied, I knew that I have the power to stop time, I tried to use it but I couldn't. Then I saw my brother in a cage big enough for him, I couldn't even stop crying because of what I saw he had done to Lance, then he said if I marry him he'll let my brother go and I stay here FOREVER, but I don't want to, but my big brother told me to say yes. "Yes" I told the demon, that was when he revealed his true self, then it was Nikki's worst enemy, Tom Otsak. I then screamed in horror, of what I was about to do.........................................

The pic above represents Sena locked up on chains. See you in the next chapter. In the next chapter Tom's sister will be revealed.

Chapter 13 - End

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